• 美国将继续监听外国政府

    14-01-25 据法新社报道,美国总统奥巴马18日表示,美国情报机构将继续监听外国政府。 The US intelligence service will continue to spy on foreign governments, President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast Saturday, although he assured Chancellor Angela Mer...

  • 叙利亚和平会谈将在瑞士召开

    14-01-22 A major conference aimed at finding a political solution to the three-year conflict in Syria that has left 130,000 dead is due to start in Switzerland. 一次旨在解决叙利亚冲突的重要会议将在瑞士召开,该冲突已持续三年时间,造成13万人死亡。 The Syrian g...

  • 坦桑尼亚大象猎杀数量显著增长

    13-12-31 The killing of elephants has increased sharply in Tanzania since the government suspended its anti-poaching operation after a month, Deputy Tourism Minister Lazaro Nyalandu has said. 坦桑尼亚旅游部副部长拉萨罗亚蓝都称,政府停止反非法狩猎行动之后一个...

  • 孟加拉国部署军队确保大选顺利进行

    13-12-26 Tens of thousands of troops are being deployed across Bangladesh to try to prevent potential political violence ahead of next month's elections. 数以万计的军队被部署于孟加拉国,以阻止下个月大选前可能出现的潜在政治暴力。 This comes as main opposition...

  • 巴西政府拒绝斯诺登的避难请求

    13-12-20 The Brazilian government is not interested in investigating the NSA (National Security Agency) and, for this reason, it will not grant asylum to Edward Snowden, who denounced U.S. government spying, in an information exchange that would meet this go...

  • 澳政府拨1亿澳元促进就业

    13-12-18 Australia has announced plans to set up a A$100m fund to create jobs in states affected by Holden's decision to stop making cars there. 霍顿汽车决定将在澳大利亚停产汽车,受此影响澳政府宣布投入1亿澳元创造就业机会。 Holden, a subsidiary of General Mot...

  • 曼德拉的葬礼给南非政府带来巨大压力

    13-12-15 南非已故前总统纳尔逊曼德拉的世纪葬礼在即,这次规模空前的葬礼也给南非当局带来了巨大的后勤和安保压力。为此,南非政府呼吁民众尽量参加当地的纪念活动,避免蜂拥参加国葬。 The South African government has urged people to attend local rather than national s...

  • 曼德拉遗体将供公众吊唁三天

    13-12-11 The body of Nelson Mandela has arrived at the main government building in South Africa's capital, Pretoria, where it will lie in state for three days. 纳尔逊曼德拉的遗体已被运往首都比勒陀利亚政府大楼,他将在那里供公众吊唁三天。 The body of Nelson Ma...

  • government omnipotence 全能型政府

    13-12-11 Government omnipotence , which has become an obstacle to efficiency after powering China's staggering growth in past decades, is expected to be addressed in reforms outlined by the country's new leadership for the next decade. 中国新一届领导集体有望...

  • declare personal assets 申报个人财产

    13-12-11 Authorities at the Macao Special Administrative Region for the first time declared the personal assets of officials and other high-ranking public servants on Saturday in a move to further intensify its anti-graft efforts. 为了进一步加大反腐力度,澳...