• information-sharing platform 信息共享平台

    14-03-13 The government has announced plans to consolidate various real estate registration offices into one body, establishing a single information-sharing platform . 政府宣布计划称,将把多个不动产登记处合并为一个,建立一个统一的信息共享平台。 信息共享平台...

  • government reform 政府改革

    14-03-11 政府改革( government reform )的主要目的,就是进一步理顺政府和市...

  • government cars used for private purpose 公车私用

    14-03-11 Government cars used for private purpose and reimbursement of private car expenses are listed as the most common forms of corruption in use of government vehicles by those surveyed by China Youth Daily. 《中国青年报》的调查显示,公车私用和私车消费公...

  • cutting one's own wrist 壮士断腕

    14-03-11 At a press conference held in March right after the usher-in of the new leadership, Premier Li Keqiang compared reducing government power to cutting one's own wrist to demonstrate his resolve to transform government roles. 在三月份新领导班子进驻后不...

  • 美国下令驱逐三位委内瑞拉外交官

    14-02-26 The United States has expelled three Venezuelan diplomats, in response to the expulsion of three of its own consular officials from Caracas. 美国将三位委内瑞拉外交官驱逐出境,作为对加拉加斯驱逐其三位领事事件的回应。 President Nicolas Maduro accused...

  • 委内瑞拉反政府抗议者阻断首都交通

    14-02-25 Anti-government protesters in Venezuela have erected barricades in the capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉反政府示威者在首都加拉加斯的道路上设置重重路障。 They placed burning rubbish and furniture on main roads in an attempt to bar access to the city. Opposi...

  • 七名埃及人被发现死于利比亚

    14-02-25 The bodies of seven Egyptian Christians have been found on a beach near the Libyan city of Benghazi, officials say. 七名埃及基督徒的尸体被发现于利比亚城市班加西附近的一处海滩上。 They died after being shot in the head and chest, security officials s...

  • 斯里兰卡政府因错误翻译致歉

    14-02-20 近日,斯里兰卡官方标识和文件的泰米尔语译文出现翻译错误,其中之一是一条孕妇专座的标识,斯里兰卡语和英语均正确,但是泰米尔语却错译为母狗专座。政府为此致歉。 Sri Lanka's government has apologised for errors in translating official notices and documents...

  • 意总理恩里科·莱塔将辞职

    14-02-14 Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta has said he will resign on Friday. 意大利总理恩里科莱塔称他将于周五辞职。 Mr Letta had only been in post for ten months Party leader Matteo Renzi had earlier called for a change of government at a party meeting, s...

  • 常用成语翻译 上

    14-02-14 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another 优胜劣汰surv...