• 李克强 《期待访问希腊》

    14-06-23 Looking Forward to Visiting Greece In this beautiful season when the pansy(三色堇) flowers are in full bloom, I will soon lead a Chinese government delegation to Greece. My wish is to consolidate(巩固,加强) the traditional friendship between th...

  • 希拉里:期待美国能迎来女总统

    14-06-23 Hillary Rodham Clinton has told a German magazine that she will work to make sure the United States is led by a woman -- even if it's not her. 美国前国务卿希拉里在接受德国《明星》周刊采访时表示,她期待美国能迎来女性总统,即使并不是她本人,她也会为之...

  • 日本政府公布第16个全国性假期

    14-06-08 Around this time each year, millions of Americans are enjoying a three-day weekend heading into Memorial Day. 数以百万计的美国人每年都会享受三天的美国阵亡将士纪念日假期。 It's one of just 10 national holidays for a country that prides itself on a wo...

  • 美国要求其公民立即离开利比亚

    14-05-28 The US state department has warned any American citizens in Libya to leave the country immediately. 美国国务院警告所有在利比亚的美国公民立即即开。 The US has warned its citizens to leave the country, saying Libya is unstable and unpredictable It sai...

  • pared-down service 简化服务

    14-05-23 The hotel is performing its usual role of providing accommodation to CPPCC delegates and offering spaces for related meetings, but this year it is offering pared-down service , in keeping with government orders. 这家宾馆还像往年一样为全国政协委员提...

  • 马里叛军取得基达尔城控制权

    14-05-22 Tuareg rebels in Mali say they have defeated government forces in heavy fighting for control of the key northern town of Kidal. 马里图阿雷格叛军称,他们与政府武装经过激烈的交火后战胜政府军,取得北部重要城镇基达尔的控制权。 Several government soldier...

  • 以色列前总理奥尔默特因受贿被判六年监禁

    14-05-14 A court in Israel has sentenced former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to six years in prison for bribery. 以色列一家法院以受贿罪判处前总理埃胡德奥尔默特有期徒刑六年。 Ehud Olmert was forced to resign as prime minister amid a flurry of separate corruptio...

  • 韩国总统就轮渡沉没向公众致歉

    14-04-29 South Korean President Park Geun-hye has apologised over the ferry disaster, in a statement to cabinet shown on national television. 韩国国家电视台报道,总统朴槿惠在内阁的一份声明中就此次轮渡沉没事故向公众致歉。 Ms Park said that the government had...

  • Immigrant Investor Program 投资移民计划

    14-04-28 Controversy arose after the Canadian government announced plans last week to terminate the federal Immigrant Investor Program and Federal Entrepreneur Program. 加拿大政府上周宣布停止联邦投资移民和企业家移民项目后引发了一系列争议。 加拿大政府日前推出...

  • 三月美国制造业增长迅速

    14-04-02 Growth in US manufacturing accelerated in March from the previous month. 三月份美国制造业比二月增长迅速。 The Institute for Supply Management's growth index rose to 53.7 from 53.2 in February. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Manufacturing wa...