• 调查:苹果领导团队更能胜任美国政府的管理工作

    15-12-24 Apple (33 percent) would do a better job than politicians taking over U.S. government operations, says a new Breakout BrandsTM survey by rbb Communications. The national survey tapped opinions on a variety of brand preferences. 营销传播公司rbb近日发...

  • 奥巴马讲话 为退伍军人提供工作机会

    15-11-29 Hi, everybody. This week, America came together to salute our veterans -- to express our appreciation to all who served so that we might live free. But our gratitude should extend beyond what our veterans have done for us in the past. It should remi...

  • 澳政府为欧洲难民提供生活指南

    15-10-23 Syria is a long way from Australia and the 12,000 refugees who will make their way south over the next 12 months will be likely to measure the distance in more than kilometres. 叙利亚距离澳大利亚很远,1.2万难民将在未来一年南下,这段路程可不止数公里...

  • 希腊总理宣布辞职 要求提前大选

    15-08-21 Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced plans to step down, paving the way for new elections. 希腊总理阿列克西斯齐普拉斯宣布辞职计划,为新选举创造条件。 I will go to the president to submit my resignation as well as the resignation of the...

  • 新西兰公布40幅新国旗入围设计稿

    15-08-16 The independent panel tasked with deciding a potential new flag for New Zealand has published its long list of 40 possible designs. 新西兰的新国旗方案独立专家小组日前公布了40幅入围设计稿,这个小组将负责在其中选出新国旗的设计方案。 Nearly 10,300 were...

  • 南京公布儿童保护新条例

    15-08-04 The local government in Nanjing has issued new rules on child protection. 南京地方政府发布关于儿童保护的新条例。 Parents in that city could face criminal charges if they leave any child under 6-year-old, or those with physical disabilities, on their...

  • 缅甸政府特赦6966位囚犯

    15-07-30 The Myanmar government on Thursday granted an amnesty to 6,966 prisoners including 155 detained Chinese loggers, a higher official confirmed. 缅甸政府周四特赦了6966位囚犯,其中包括155名被扣留的中国伐木工人。 The 155 Chinese loggers were among 210 fo...

  • amphibious officials 两栖干部

    15-07-21 The Beijing local government is taking measures to clean up the so-called amphibious officials , retired or serving officials who hold posts in social organizations and make money by taking advantage of their current or previous official status and...

  • 鲍比·金达尔宣布参加总统竞选

    15-06-26 Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has officially thrown his hat into the ring for the Republican presidential nomination. 美国路易斯安那州州长鲍比金达尔正式宣布角逐共和党总统提名。 My name is Bobby Jindal. I am governor of the great state of Louisiana...

  • non-administrative license examinations and approvals 非行政

    15-06-26 As non-administrative license examinations and approvals were abolished last month, the bizarre certificates like the one that proves your mother is your mother should finally disappear from people's lives. 随着上月非行政许可审批的彻底终结,类似证明...