• 美国公司出售婴儿高跟鞋引质疑

    17-04-06 A US footwear company has sparked outrage among consumers and campaign groups over a range of high heeled shoes for babies. 美国一家鞋业公司因为一系列宝宝高跟鞋激起了消费者和社会运动团体的愤怒。 Pee Wee Pumps, which makes soft shoes for infants, des...

  • 伦敦接待员因拒穿高跟鞋被辞退

    16-05-16 A London receptionist was sent home from work after refusing to wear high heels, it has emerged. 近日,一名伦敦接待员因拒穿高跟鞋而被打发回家。 Temp worker Nicola Thorp, 27, from Hackney, arrived at finance company PwC to be told she had to wear sho...

  • 英国皇家赛马会女宾客着装表现各种不得体

    15-06-23 The beginning of the day held so much promise, with hundreds of perfectly-coiffed guests filing in for the biggest event of the race calender, heels intact and fascinators in place. 英国一年一度的皇家阿斯科特赛马会刚刚开始时,人人满怀期待。数百名精...

  • 过多穿高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡

    15-06-08 Women who wear them too often may find the downsides soon outweigh the benefits as research shows they can cause a potentially harmful imbalance in the feet. 女性过多穿高跟鞋也许弊大于利。研究表明,高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡,而这种失衡有潜在危害性。...

  • 美国公司称找到高跟鞋最佳设计方案

    15-05-08 Towering stilettos may be the height of fashion but coping with the pain and discomfort they cause can be a tall order, as millions of women will testify. 穿上细高跟鞋可谓登上时尚的顶峰了但数百万女同胞们可以证明,要忍受穿上它的疼痛与不适太难了。 Now...

  • 男性更愿意对穿高跟鞋的女性伸出援手

    14-11-29 Ladies, if you want a man at your feet, wear high heels. 女士们,如果你想有个男人随时为你效劳,那就穿高跟鞋吧。 Research shows that men are more likely to help a woman wearing heels than one in flats. This assistance ranges from taking part in a sur...

  • 英国设计师推出不锈钢高跟鞋

    14-05-03 据报道,英国一位鞋设计师推出一双不锈钢高跟鞋,保质期1000年。这名设计师声称这是全世界最舒服的高跟鞋,尽管所用的材料与制造刀叉的材料是一样的。 It's a sad day for any woman when she finally has to admit her favourite heels are simply worn out. But havi...

  • 加拿大女子制作出可调节高度高跟鞋

    12-09-22 旅居巴黎的加拿大女子坦尼亚希斯经过三年的研究制作出了一款可随意调换鞋跟高度的高跟鞋。当你走在上班路上,觉得鞋跟太高、脚不舒服的时候,只要按一下鞋跟上的按钮,把高跟卸下来,换上一副适合走路的鞋跟就可以了。 A multi-height shoe with changeable heels, cre...

  • 母亲的高跟鞋情节可能遗传给女儿

    11-10-15 Suri Cruise was pounding the pavement in a pair of sparkling heels, complete with lipstick and handbag, aged just three. 汤姆克鲁斯之女苏瑞克鲁斯才三岁就穿着亮晶晶的高跟鞋、涂着口红、带着手提包上街了。 Now research suggests that her passion for heel...

  • 伦敦某校开设教学生穿高跟鞋走路的课程

    10-06-12 Students have been taught how to walk in stilettos as part of a government-funded course, a south London college said on Wednesday. 伦敦南部一所学院于本周三称,受政府资助,该校开设了一门教学生穿高跟鞋时如何走路的课程。 The six-week Sexy Heels in the...