• 冰川融化导致格陵兰陆地迅速抬升

    10-05-19 Greenland is situated in the Atlantic Ocean to the northeast of Canada. It has stunning(极好的,使人晕倒的) fjords(海湾) on its rocky coast formed by moving glaciers(冰川) , and a dense icecap up to 2 km thick that covers much of the island--p...

  • 小行星或成为研究地球物种起源的“活化石”

    10-04-29 The first-ever discovery of ice and organic molecules(分子,微粒) on an asteroid(小行星) may hold clues to the origins of Earth's oceans and life 4 billion years ago. University of Central Florida researchers detected a thin layer of water ice a...

  • “暴风雪”词汇

    10-03-24 sleet 雨夹雪 snowdrift 堆雪 snow shower 阵雪 light snow 小雪 flurry 阵雪/小雪 heavy snow 大雪 snowfall 降雪 snowflake 雪花 thunderstorm 雷暴 snowy 有雪 snow-covered 积雪覆盖的 snow-capped 山顶部被雪覆盖的 snow blindness 雪盲症 black ice 透明薄冰 sli...

  • 数十只船只被困波罗的海海冰之中

    10-03-05 Four ships have broken free after being stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea, but around 50 remain stuck, officials say. 四艘船只从波罗的海海冰之中成功破冰而出,但是仍然有大约50只船只被困其中。 Some ships are stranded(搁浅) in the waters between Sto...

  • 冰河时期海平面变化理论可能要被改写

    10-02-12 Theories about the rates of ice accumulation(积聚,累积) and melting during the Quaternary Period(第四纪) -- the time interval(时间间隔) ranging from 2.6 million years ago to the present -- may need to be revised, thanks to research findings p...

  • 欧洲航天局准备发射冰层探测卫星

    10-01-15 In what might seem rather appropriate weather conditions, the CryoSat-2 Earth Explorer satellite has completed its journey to the Baikonur拜科努尔 launch site in Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦 , where it will be prepared for launch on 25 February. The satelli...

  • 格陵兰冰层融化速度加快

    09-11-13 Satellite observations and a state-of-the art regional atmospheric model have independently confirmed that the Greenland ice sheet is loosing mass at an accelerating(加速的,促进的) rate, reports a new study in Science. This mass loss is equally d...

  • Arctic to be 'ice-free in summer' 北冰洋夏季将不会出现海冰

    09-10-15 The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice-free and open to shipping during the summer in as little as ten years' time, a top polar specialist has said. 一位顶级极地专家称,再过短短10年的时间,北冰洋的夏季将不会出现大的海冰,这将使货运成为可能。 The yell...

  • Pause in Arctic's melting trend 北极海冰融化趋势暂缓

    09-09-18 This summer's melt of Arctic sea ice has not been as profound as in the last two years, scientists said as the ice began its annual Autumn recovery. 今年夏天北极海冰融化趋势没有像前两年一样强烈,科学家称秋季海冰将会进行年度性恢复。 Walrus have been...

  • 'Ice explorer' ready for launch 欧盟“冰层探索”计划将启动

    09-09-15 The European space agency's mission to assess the state of the world's ice cover is likely to launch in February. 欧洲航天局评定世界冰覆盖量的任务将要于明年二月实施。 Scientists hope data from Cryosat will show where Arctic ice is melting fastest Th...