• 怎么祝人家好运

    17-04-12 1. Best of luck 不要纠结于是不是最好的运气了,这个短语就是在祝你好运。 例:Were sorry that youre leaving. Best of luck to you in your new job. 真遗憾你要走了,祝你新工作一切顺利。 2. Keep ones fingers crossed 祝人家好运,希望事情顺利时,歪果仁常常会...

  • Invitation

    16-07-29 Invitation Midge Goldberg You know the sort -- the postcard that gets stuck between the ads for siding and the plea for missing children, that you usually toss out, another scrap for the garbage truck. But, to your own surprise, one day you pluck th...

  • 春节十大传统美食 上

    16-02-13 Tangerines and Oranges Displaying and eating these fruits is said to bring wealth and luck. According to the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco, the tradition stems from the way the Chinese words for gold and orange sound alike, while the word...

  • 猴年常用祝福语

    16-02-13 猴年吉祥 Good luck for this Monkey year 猴年大吉 Lots of luck for this Monkey year 猴年送你五只猴: This Monkey year, I give you five monkeys: 机灵诡秘如猕猴, the ingenuity of the macaque, 健康快乐像马猴, the health and happiness of the monkey, 悠...

  • 大多数类型的癌症可以归结为运气不好

    15-01-11 Most types of cancer can be put down to bad luck rather than risk factors such as smoking, a study has suggested. 研究显示,大多数类型的癌症可以归结为运气不好,而非吸烟等风险因素所致。 A US team were trying to explain why some tissues were millions...

  • What Are You In For?

    14-12-30 Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room---the first surgeries of the day. The first kid leans over and asks, What are you in here for? The second kid says, I'm in here to get my tonsils ou...

  • Difference Because of Gender

    14-10-13 If you scold him, you are like a nanny to him; If he scolds you, it is because he cares for you. If you break your promise, you cannot be trusted; If he breaks his, he is forced to do so. If you smoke, you are a bad girl; If he smokes, he is a gentl...

  • Isn't it wonderful? 这难道不好吗?

    14-03-12 What are you so happy about? a woman asked the 98-year-old man. I broke a mirror, he replied. But that means seven years of bad luck. I know. he said, beaming,Isn't it wonderful? 你高兴什么?一个女士问一个98岁的老人。 我打碎了一个镜子。他回答。 但那...

  • Egyptian Days 不吉利的日子

    13-12-13 Egyptian Days , also called Dismal Days, refer to days of the year that signify bad luck or ill omen. Egyptian Days(或Dismal Days)指一年当中代表厄运或凶兆的那些日子,字面意思可称之为埃及日,也就是不吉利的日子。 Behind the concept of Egyptian days...

  • The Knapsack, the Hat and the Horn

    13-11-25 There were once three brothers who had fallen deeper and deeper into poverty, and at last their need was so great that they had to endure hunger, and had nothing to eat or drink. Then said they, We cannot go on thus, we had better go into the world...