• 爱的召唤

    12-10-23 When love beckons(召唤,吸引) to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice...

  • 菲律宾政府与伊斯兰反叛团体签署和平协议

    12-10-15 The Philippines has signed a framework peace plan with the country's largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). 菲律宾政府与国内最大的穆斯林反叛团体摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线签署了一份和平协议。 The deal follows lengthy negotiatio...

  • 《里约大冒险》二

    12-09-25 影片对白 (Exclaims) Blu: Wait. Yeah. Ah... I am not from here. Pedro: Hey, Nico, he's a tourist! Nico: Funny, you don't look like one. Blu: Really? I don't? Pedro: Except you got pigeon doo-doo on your nose. Blu: Oh, no, this is just SPF 3000. Nico:...

  • 让生活充满爱

    12-09-06 The key to living a life of love, peace and prosperity is to live from your heart. When you live from your Heart, you feel full, rich, and life seems to flow effortlessly. You feel in control, confident, connected to your life's purpose. You feel Jo...

  • 奥巴马演讲 表彰警官们的无私奉献精神

    12-06-02 Thank you, Chuck, for that very kind introduction. Chuck is a proud police officer, he's the proud parent of a police officer, and he has dedicated his life to law enforcement and their families. So I want to thank him for his extraordinary service....

  • 潘基文:叙利亚“未能成功休战”

    12-04-19 The UN secretary-general says Syria has failed to comply with its obligation under a peace plan to pull troops and heavy weapons out of urban areas. 联合国秘书长潘基文称,叙利亚未能按照一项和平计划的规定将部队与重型武器撤出市区。 In a letter to the...

  • The Young King 3

    12-02-07 'In war,' answered the weaver, 'the strong make slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich make slaves of the poor. We must work to live, and they give us such mean wages that we die. We toil for them all day long, and they heap up gold in their coff...

  • 美国呼吁朝鲜走“和平之路”

    11-12-20 The US has called on North Korea to pursue a path of peace following the death of leader Kim Jong-il. 朝鲜领导人金正日死后,美国呼吁朝鲜走上一条和平之路。 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the US was ready to help the North Korean people and c...

  • Tonight I want to have some peace and quiet

    11-12-20 May I borrow your record player tonight? a man asked his neighbour . Sure. Do you want to listen to some music? No. he answered. Tonight I want to have some peace and quiet. 今晚我可以借用以下你的唱机吗?一个人对他的邻居说道。 当然可以,你也想听听音...

  • 上帝曾经答应我

    11-12-13 Once God came up to me and granted me a wish. I asked for world peace. That's impossible, he said. Then I asked him to give you brains. He said, Let me try world peace. 有一次上帝来到我面前答应了我一个愿望。我说我要世界和平。那是不可能的他说。 然后...