• 伊丽莎白二世圣诞文告呼吁和解

    14-12-26 British Queen Elizabeth II called for reconciliation in her annual Christmas broadcast delivered on Thursday afternoon. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在周四下午的年度圣诞文告中呼吁和解。 She cited Scottish referendum, Northern Ireland, as well as the Christma...

  • NoMo 非妈族

    14-11-26 NoMo refers to a woman who is not a mother, particularly by circumstance rather than by choice. (not + mother) 非妈族(not+mother)指不是母亲的女性,她们通常不是自愿选择不做母亲,而是境况使然。 Example: Once I'd begun to make peace with this idea, I...

  • The wolves, the sheep and Ram

    14-10-17 The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting peace between them, on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death. The foolish sheep agreed to the terms, but an old Ram, whose years had brought him wisdom, int...

  • 哥伦比亚总统桑托斯将宣誓就职

    14-08-07 Foreign delegations from 73 countries have arrived in Colombia for the inauguration of President Juan Manuel Santos. 来自73个国家的外交代表团抵达哥伦比亚参加总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯的就职典礼。 Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos facing the challen...

  • national memorial day 国家公祭日

    14-04-28 Two national memorial days are to be marked, according to draft resolutions being reviewed by the top legislature. One of the days, on Sept 3, will mark victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), while on Dec 13, victims...

  • 学会生活在现实中

    14-04-02 To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live on the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you a...

  • 《勇敢传说》精彩语句

    14-03-11 There's no point in having a go at me. 没有理由责怪我。 Feast your eyes! 让你大饱眼福! This is all for naught. 这就是白费力气。 Legends are lessons. They ring with truths. 传说都是教训,授予我们真理。ring with: 充满声音,回荡着。 I would advise you...

  • 常用成语翻译 下

    14-02-14 路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell. 吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /theres always a way out 急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits 大黑扫黄crack down on gangland and p...

  • Exercise for the Evening

    14-02-13 Exercise for the Evening Jean-Paul de Dadelsen Stop. Instead of panting and gasping(喘气) from second to second Like a torrent hurtling from rock to rock with no special merit, Breathe More slowly, without moving, ankles crossed, hands clasped, Ob...

  • 叙利亚第二轮和平会谈将在日内瓦召开

    14-02-10 The second round of peace talks between the Syrian government and opposition representatives is due to begin in Geneva on Monday. 叙利亚政府与反对派代表的第二轮和谈将于周一在日内瓦召开。 The first round of talks ended last month with no firm agreeme...