• C919试飞倒计时中

    17-05-05 C919, Chinas first domestically-built large passenger plane is scheduled to conduct its most important and also the most risky step on May 5th. 中国首架国产大型客机C919将于今天进行最重要的同时也是最冒险的试飞。 Its maiden flight will take place at P...

  • 两只大熊猫抵达荷兰

    17-04-13 Wu Wen and Xing Ya, two Chinese giant pandas arrived on Wednesday evening at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam for a 15-year stay in a Dutch zoo. 当地时间周三晚,两只大熊猫Wu Wen和Xing Ya抵达阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场,这两只熊猫将在荷兰某动物园生活15年。 The...

  • Blonde Sky Diver

    17-02-28 A blonde and a brunette are skydiving. The brunette jumps out the plane and pulls the cord. Nothing happens. She pulls the emergency cord and still nothing. The blonde finally jumps out of the plane and yells, Oh! So you wanna race, huh?...

  • 美国古巴直飞航班已开始运行

    16-09-01 The first regular direct commercial flight form the United States has arrived in the central Cuban city of Santa Clara. 第一架从美国直飞古巴的商业航班已经抵达古巴中部城市圣克拉拉。 The landing of the JetBlue flight is being viewed as an important ne...

  • 阳光动力2号成功在开罗降落

    16-07-14 A plane powered solely by the sun landed in Cairo in the early hours of Wednesday, successfully completing the 16th leg of its round-the-world journey. 一架完全由太阳能供电的飞机阳光动力2号周三早些时候降落在开罗,成功完成其环球航行的第16站。 Solar I...

  • Sales

    16-06-21 There was an old woman on a plane, sitting next to the Pope. It was stormy outside, and the plane was being rocked by some severe turbulence. So this kindly old lady looked upon Deaths door, and said to her papal neighbour, Father, surely you can do...

  • 埃及航空:失联的空客320已坠落海洋

    16-05-19 Officials from EgyptAir say an Airbus 320 plane has been believed to have crashed into sea. 埃及航空公司的官员表示,失联的空客320客机已坠落海洋。 The EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo disappeared from radar early Thursday. The plane was carrying 5...

  • Spéculation Hasardeuse

    16-04-05 Spculation Hasardeuse Arthur Vogelsang No one was learning French fast. I was learning French too slowly and Some were learning at an average speed. We had to learn it fast. There was a great plane Coming for us and we had to know French When we got...

  • 人们期待已久的飞行汽车将要面世

    16-03-27 AeroMobil, a Slovakian company, plans to start selling its creation, the AeroMobil 3.0, in 2017. 斯洛伐克公司AeroMobil计划在2017年开售创意新品AeroMobil 3.0。 The company claims on its site that the vehicle transforms in seconds from an automobile to...

  • 维珍银河推出新式太空旅游火箭飞机

    16-02-24 The commercial spaceflight company Virgin Galactic has rolled out a new version of its space tourism rocket plane. 商业航天公司维珍银河推出了一款新式太空旅游火箭飞机。 The move comes nearly 16 months after a fatal accident destroyed its sister ship...