• 中国最大固体燃料火箭发动机完成点火测试

    16-08-04 China has completed the test ignition of its largest solid-fuel rocket motor in the northwest city of Xian. 中国已在西北部城市西安完成最大的固体燃料火箭发动机点火测试。 With a diameter of three meters, the solid-fuel rocket motor ran for 100 seconds...

  • 中国将发射长征7号运载火箭

    16-06-22 China plans to launch its new generation Long March-7 carrier rocket sometime from Saturday to Wednesday from a new launch ground in South China, said the manned space engineering office on Wednesday. 中国载人航天工程办公室周三透露,中国计划于本周六...

  • 中国发射一颗探空火箭

    16-04-27 Chinese scientists launched a sounding rocket from south Chinas Hainan Province in the early hours of Wednesday. 本周三早些时候,中国科学家在中国海南省发射了一颗探空火箭。 Kunpeng-1B was launched from Danzhou City at 2 a.m. by the National Space Sci...

  • 俄罗斯发射火星探测火箭

    16-03-15 A Russian rocket has lifted off from Kazakhstan in a new mission to find life on Mars. 一枚俄罗斯火箭在哈萨克斯坦点火起飞,该火箭承担着在火星上寻找生命的任务。 ExoMars is a joint project between the European and Russian space agencies. The rocket wi...

  • 中国将于2020年发射火星探测器

    16-03-09 China is planning to launch a Mars probe in 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet. 中国计划于2020年发射火星探测器,对这颗红色的星球进行自主探索。 The probe is expected to reach Mars in 2021 after a flight of around ten month...

  • Rocket Force 火箭军

    16-03-07 China's military reform continues, with the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force and the PLA Strategic Support Force. 中国军队改革继续推进,建立了解放军火箭军和战略支援部队。 火箭军即中国人民解放军火箭军,可以用the PLA Rocket Force 表示,是中国人民...

  • 维珍银河推出新式太空旅游火箭飞机

    16-02-24 The commercial spaceflight company Virgin Galactic has rolled out a new version of its space tourism rocket plane. 商业航天公司维珍银河推出了一款新式太空旅游火箭飞机。 The move comes nearly 16 months after a fatal accident destroyed its sister ship...

  • 日本发射新一代X射线天文卫星

    16-02-18 Japan on Wednesday launched a new generation X-ray astronomy satellite aiming to reveal the structure of the universe and physics at extreme conditions in space. 本周三,日本发射一颗新一代X射线天文卫星,旨在揭示宇宙结构与太空中极端条件下的物理现象。...

  • 中国发射一颗高清地球观测卫星

    15-12-29 China on Tuesday launched its most sophisticated observation satellite, Gaofen-4. 本周二,中国发射一颗最先进的地球观测卫星,高分4号。 Gaofen-4 was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern province of Sichuan at 00:04 a.m...

  • 中国为登月计划启用新式火箭

    15-09-21 The Long March-6 was fired off on Sunday from a launch location in Shanxi. 长征6号运载火箭周日在陕西省发射成功。 It's fueled by liquid propellant made of liquid oxygen and kerosene, which is meant to cut down on pollution. Meanwhile, a Long March-5...