• 中国发射27号遥感卫星

    15-08-27 China's Yaogan-27 remote sensing satellite was sent into space on Thursday at 10:31 a.m. Beijing Time, from Taiyuan launch site in Shanxi Province, north China. 中国27号遥感卫星于北京时间本周四上午10点31分在山西太原发射场发射升空。 The satellite wil...

  • SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭升空后发生爆炸

    15-06-29 An unmanned SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket broke up on Sunday morning just minutes after liftoff, destroying the supplies it was carrying to the International Space Station. SpaceX公司一枚猎鹰9号无人运载火箭周日上午发射升空数分钟之后发生爆炸,火箭上搭载的...

  • 俄水上火箭发射失败

    13-02-01 A Russian rocket carrying a US-made communications satellite has plunged into the Pacific Ocean shortly after its launch, Russian media report. 俄罗斯一枚载有美制通信卫星的火箭发射后不久掉落在太平洋。 The Zenit-3SL rocket was launched from a floatin...

  • 韩国卫星运载火箭成功升空

    13-01-30 South Korea has launched a rocket in its third attempt to place a satellite into space. 韩国发射一枚火箭,第三次试图向太空中安放一颗卫星。 The rocket, built in partnership with Russia, took off from the Naro Space Center Live television footage show...

  • 联合国谴责朝鲜火箭发射行动

    13-01-23 North Korea has reacted angrily to a UN resolution condemning its recent rocket launch, pledging to strengthen military and nuclear capabilities. 联合国对朝鲜近期的火箭发射表示谴责,朝鲜对此做出反应,誓要加强军事力量与核能力。 The Security Council u...

  • 安理会或对朝鲜发射火箭进行制裁

    12-12-13 The UN Security Council has condemned North Korea for launching a rocket in defiance of a UN ban. 联合国安理会谴责朝鲜发射火箭,无视联合国禁令。 Calling the launch a clear violation of Security Council resolutions, the council said it would consider...

  • 朝鲜火箭发射引发轩然大波

    12-12-12 North Korea has defied international warnings with an apparently successful launch of its rocket. 朝鲜公然藐视国际警告,成功发射一颗火箭。 The rocket, launched at 09:49 local time, appears to have followed its planned trajectory(轨道) , with stage...

  • 朝鲜在进行武器试验

    12-11-13 Recent satellite images show that North Korea has been conducting tests at a rocket launch site, says a US academic organisation. 美国一家学术组织称,近期卫星照片显示朝鲜正在一处火箭发射场进行试验。 Analysis of satellite imagery showed activity at t...

  • 国际空间站商业化补给飞船升空

    12-10-08 The first commercially contracted re-supply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) has begun. 对国际空间站的首个商业化补给任务已经开始实行。 A Dragon flew a demonstration mission to the space station in May A Falcon rocket carrying a Drago...

  • 朝鲜火箭发射基地正“大规模改建”

    12-05-23 Satellite images show that a ''major upgrade'' is underway at North Korea's rocket launch site, says a United States institute. 美国一家机构称,卫星照片显示朝鲜火箭发射基地正在进行一场大规模改进。 Work at the Musudan-ri site showed rapid progress si...