• 中国民企成功发射卫星

    18-09-05 The Beijing-based private company i-Space used its own carrier rocket to place three satellites into space on Wednesday, marking Chinas first satellite launch by a privately built rocket. 本周三,北京一家民营企业i-Space用自主设计的火箭将三颗卫星送入...

  • 中国发射两颗巴基斯坦卫星

    18-07-10 China launched two satellites for Pakistan on a Long March-2C rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 11:56 a.m. Monday. 本周一上午11点56分,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用一颗长征长征二号C火箭将两颗巴基斯坦卫星送入太空。 The...

  • 中国发射气象卫星服务一带一路国家

    18-06-06 China on Tuesday launched the new Fengyun-2H meteorological satellite to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting and provide better meteorological services to countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. 本周二中国发射一颗新的风云二...

  • 中国首枚民营自主研发火箭成功发射

    18-05-17 Chinas first privately-developed carrier rocket for commercial use, called Chongqing Liangjiang Star, was launched from a test base in northwest China on Thursday morning, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻报道,中国首枚民营自主研发商用运载火箭重庆两江之...

  • 中国首枚民营自主研发火箭将发射

    18-05-16 Chinas first privately-developed rocket is set to be launched on Thursday from a test field in northwest China, China National Radio reports. 中央人民广播电台报道,中国首枚民营自主研发火箭将于周四在西北某试验场发射。 Chinese private space firm OneSp...

  • 中国发射亚太6C通信卫星

    18-05-04 China launched a new communication satellite APSTAR-6C at 12:06 a.m. Friday at the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center. 本周五凌晨12点06分,中国在西昌卫星发射中心发射一枚亚太6C通信卫星。 The satellite, developed by the China Academy of Spac...

  • 长征11号火箭成功发射5颗卫星

    18-04-26 Chinas Long March-11 carrier rocket, carrying five satellites, was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern province of Gansu at 12:42 pm Thursday. 周四下午12点42分,长征11号运载火箭搭载5颗卫星在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射...

  • 中国科学家探索火箭无线充电技术

    18-04-18 As wireless charging technology improves, small electronic devices such as mobile phones and electric toothbrushes can now be charged without any direct access to a power source. 随着无线充电技术的进步,诸如手机、电动牙刷之类的小电器与电源无需任何接...

  • 快舟11号火箭今年将首飞

    18-03-06 A Chinese-produced solid-fueled carrier rocket, the Kuaizhou-11, developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC), will see its maiden launch this year, reports Xinhua. 新华社消息,由中国航天科工集团研发的使用国产固体燃料的运载...

  • 2019中国将发射长征五号乙运载火箭

    18-03-05 China will launch the Long March-5B carrier rocket into space in 2019, according to a spokesperson for the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO). 中国载人航天工程办公室发言人表示,中国将于2019年发射长征五号乙运载火箭。 The rocket will help c...