• 教育政策会在潜移默化中改变

    12-08-20 The way legislators, experts and other opinion leaders discuss the role of parents and schools in reducing educational inequalities has changed dramatically since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act first passed in 1965. Put simply, parents w...

  • 哈佛普林斯顿歧视亚裔学生被调查

    12-02-18 The Education Department's Office of Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that Harvard and Princeton universities discriminates against Asian-Americans. 据报道,美国教育部民权办公室针对哈佛大学和普林斯顿大学在本科招生时歧视亚裔的投诉已展开调查...

  • 真人秀节目影响女生行为

    11-04-23 Girls behaviour at school is deteriorating due to the appeal of Wag lifestyles and reality TV shows, according to teachers. 据英国教师反映,由于受到太太团的生活方式以及电视真人秀节目的吸引,英国在校女生的行为越来越堕落了。 They are giving up on stud...

  • 英国学校“掷骰子”选拔学生

    11-03-05 Thousands of schoolchildren are having their education decided by a 'roll of the dice' as councils use a controversial selection practice in a bid to ensure the best schools are more comprehensive in make-up. 为了确保最好的学校在学生构成方面更有包容...

  • 欧盟要求英国解释学生刷指纹现象

    10-12-18 欧洲议会近日致函英国有关方面,要求对其国内中小学要求在校学生刷指纹的普遍做法给出合理解释,欧洲议会认为此举违反了欧盟有关隐私保护的法律。 The European Commission has demanded Britain justifies the widespread and routine(日常的,例行的) fingerprinti...

  • 学校、社区应共同承担儿童营养问题

    10-08-10 The American Dietetic Association has published an updated position paper(意见书,立场书) on local support for nutrition integrity in schools that calls on schools and communities to work together to provide healthful and affordable(负担得起的)...

  • 英国顶尖学校将不必接受审查

    10-05-28 Outstanding schools in England will no longer face routine Ofsted inspections, the new education secretary has said. 英国教育标准局新任教育部长称,英国优秀的学校将不必接受教育部门例行审查。 Inspectors will no longer have to make routine visits to al...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Education for a More Competitive America

    10-03-20 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address March 13, 2010 Lost in the news of the week was a headline that ought to be a source of concern for every American. It said, Many Nations Passing U.S. in Education. Now, debat...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Recognizing What Historically Black Colleges

    10-03-06 Remarks by the President on Signing Executive Order on Historically Black Colleges and Universities East Room 4:54 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Please have a seat. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Well, it is wonderful to be here. A...

  • 大雪寒风 京城半世纪最低温

    10-01-09 1月3日北京迎来几十年来最大的一次降雪,昌平区长城附近积雪厚达20厘米。此次大雪导致多条高速封路、数千旅客滞留机场,北京和天津两地的中小学1月4日停课一天。据气象部门预报,今明两天北京的气温将降至零下16摄氏度,为50年以来最低气温。首都国际机场90%以上的航...