• The result of laziness 懒惰的结果

    14-08-21 Mother: Why were you kept after school today, Johnny? Johnny: Teacher told us to write an essay on The Result of Laziness, and I turned in a blank sheet of paper. 妈妈:约翰尼,你今天放学以后为什么被留下了? 约翰尼:老师叫我们写一篇题为《懒惰的结果...

  • Something I didn't do 我没做的事

    14-08-21 Mother: What are you crying for? Tommy: Teacher kept me in for something I didn't do. Mother: Something you didn't do? What was it? Tommy: M-m-my lessons. 妈妈:你哭什么? 汤米:老师为了一件我没做的事把我留下了。 妈妈:一件你没做的事?什么事? 汤米...

  • It's True 大实话

    14-08-13 The teacher was vividly describing the discovery of the law of gravitation. He tried to make the children impressed with its importance. He said, Isaac Newton was sitting on the ground looking at the tree. An apple suddenly fell on his head. It led...

  • What do I get? 我能得到什么?

    14-07-29 Teacher: If I cut a beefsteak in half and then cut the half in half, what do I get? Tommy: Quarters. Teacher: And then if I cut it twice again? Tommy: Hamburger. 老师:如果我把一块牛排切成两半的两半,我能得到几块儿? 汤米:四块。 老师:那我要是再切...

  • The Best Teacher I Ever Had

    14-07-24 Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about an animal called the Cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal(夜的) animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age, he passed around a skull as he talked. We...

  • putty exam 全军覆没的高难度考试

    14-07-22 Putty exam refers to an exam in which the teacher makes so difficult the entire class fails. Putty exam指的是那种全军覆没的高难度考试,老师出的题太难,以至于全班同学都不及格。 Example: I better start kissing up after that putty exam. 在这种高难度考...

  • Logical Deduction 逻辑推理

    14-07-21 The teacher asked her students in class: If there are five flies on your desk and you kill one, how many will remain? One, shouted a boy, the dead one. The teacher said: You should know that there are still four not dead. The boy replied: I know, bu...

  • Dad

    14-07-15 The first memory I have of him -- of anything, really -- is his strength. It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours. The unfinished wood floor had large, terrifying holes whose yawning darkness I knew led to nowhere good....

  • The remaining sheep 剩下的羊

    14-07-09 The teacher said: If the shepherd put twenty sheep out to feed on the grass in a field, five of them jumped a fence, how many sheep would be left? None, called out little Mac. The teacher said: I am surprised that you can't count correctly. I know t...

  • Can you eat any more 你还能吃吗

    14-07-02 In Chemistry class, the teacher was explaining the relationship between solvent and solute: A certain solvent can only dissolve a certain solute. For example, you have eaten a bowl of rice, then one more bowl. After having eaten the third bowl, you...