• How did I come into this world?

    11-01-12 Daddy? How did I come into this world? Well, my child, someday I'll have to tell you anyway. So why not today? Please! OK, but listen carefully. Mom and Dad met each other in a cybercafe. In the restrooms of that cybercafe, dad connected to mom. Mom...

  • 麻疹病毒蛋白的活动方式

    11-01-10 Mayo Clinic researchers have shown that proteins on the surface of a cell twist a viral protein(病毒蛋白) into position, allowing the virus to start infection and cause disease, all in a movement as graceful as a ballroom dance. The findings appea...

  • 利用计算机模型预测流感发病情况

    10-12-09 Researchers have developed a statistical model for projecting how many people will get sick from seasonal influenza based on analyses of flu viruses circulating that season. The research, conducted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health,...

  • 通用流感疫苗处于研制阶段

    10-12-07 WHAT: The costly, time-consuming process of making, distributing and administering millions of seasonal flu vaccines would become obsolete(废弃的,老式的) if researchers could design a vaccine that confers decades-long protection from any flu viru...

  • 环境条件影响禽流感病毒的存活率

    10-10-14 11 influenza flu season, scientists and engineers have identified the environmental conditions and surfaces that could enable a highly pathogenic(致病的,病原的) (H5N1) bird flu virus to survive for prolonged periods of time at least two weeks and...

  • 史前化石基因中发现乙肝病毒

    10-09-29 Biologists from The University of Texas at Arlington have uncovered virus fragments(碎片,片段) from the same family of the modern Hepatitis B(乙型肝炎) virus locked inside the genomes of songbirds(黄莺) such as the modern-day zebra finch(斑...

  • 艾滋病毒如何对抗防护药

    10-09-20 Rutgers researchers have discovered how HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDS, resists AZT, a drug widely used to treat AIDS. The scientists, who report their findings in Nature Structural Molecular Biology, believe their discovery helps researchers und...

  • 威尔士科学家克隆出一种人体病毒

    10-09-14 A team of Welsh scientists have successfully cloned a human virus offering new hope for the treatment of potentially life-threatening diseases. Human cytomegalovirus(巨细胞病毒) (HCMV) is a major infectious cause of congenital malformations(先天...

  • 艾滋病疫苗研制取得“重大进展”

    10-07-17 美国国家过敏症和传染病研究所专家14日表示,历经数十年的努力,全球卫生机构开始在艾滋病疫苗研制方面取得重大进展,使科学家对这类疫苗投放市场的信心倍增。 Global health authorities are finally beginning to make significant advances towards a vaccine(疫苗...

  • 逆转录酶病毒复制过程与众不同

    10-07-16 How a retrovirus(逆转录酶病毒) , like HIV, reproduces and assembles new viruses is different than previously thought, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. Understanding the steps a virus takes for assembly could allow developme...