• 美国首例埃博拉患者已身亡

    14-10-09 The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola within the US has died, Texas hospital officials have said. 美国首例确诊的埃博拉病毒患者已经死亡。 Mr Duncan, shown here at a 2011 wedding in Ghana Thomas Eric Duncan, 42, who caught the virus in his nativ...

  • 马来西亚向西非捐赠医用手套

    14-09-16 Malaysia plans to donate more than 20 million protective rubber gloves to five African countries affected by the Ebola outbreak, the government says. 马来西亚计划向五个埃博拉病毒蔓延的非洲国家捐献2000万只橡胶防护手套。 They will be distributed among...

  • 埃博拉病毒“威胁利比里亚的国家存亡”

    14-09-10 Liberia is facing a serious threat to its national existence as the deadly Ebola virus spreads like wildfire there, its defence minister says. 利比里亚国防部长称,致命埃博拉病毒像野火一样传播,国家存亡目前正面临严重威胁。 Brownie Samukai told the UN...

  • 埃博拉病毒死亡人数超1900

    14-09-04 More than 1,900 people have now died in West Africa's Ebola outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. 世界卫生组织称,自埃博拉病毒在西非爆发以来,已有1900多人死于该病毒。 There have been 3,500 confirmed or probable cases in Guinea, Sierra...

  • 激光可使原子显微镜更敏锐

    14-08-18 Laser physicists have found a way to make atomic-force microscope probes 20 times more sensitive and capable of detecting forces as small as the weight of an individual virus. The technique, developed by researchers at The Australian National Univer...

  • 关于埃博拉病毒一些常见问题的回答

    14-08-15 Where does the name Ebola come from? The virus is named after the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That's where the virus was discovered in 1976. If there's no vaccine or cure, what are doctors doing to treat Ebola pa...

  • 肯尼亚被列为埃博拉病毒传播高危国家

    14-08-14 The World Health Organization has classified Kenya as a high-risk country for the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. 世界卫生组织将肯尼亚列为伊波拉病毒传播的高危国家。 Kenya was vulnerable because it was a major transport hub, with many flights from...

  • 西班牙传教士感染埃博拉病逝

    14-08-13 A Spanish missionary who contracted the Ebola virus while working in West Africa has died in hospital in Madrid. 一位西班牙传教士在西非工作时感染埃博拉病毒,不久前死于马德里一家医院。 Miguel Pajares worked at a hospital in the Liberian capital More...

  • 加拿大向西非捐赠埃博拉病毒疫苗

    14-08-13 Canada says it will donate up to 1,000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine to help battle the disease's outbreak in West Africa. 加拿大政府将捐赠1000支埃博拉实验疫苗帮助西非对抗该病毒。 It comes after the World Health Organization said it was eth...

  • 沙特男子疑似感染埃博拉病毒死亡

    14-08-07 A Saudi man who was being treated for Ebola-like symptoms has died at a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia's health ministry says. 沙特卫生部透露,吉加一名出现疑似埃博拉病毒感染症状而住院治疗的沙特男子已经死亡。 If confirmed, this would be the first E...