• 埃博拉病毒感染之新见解

    13-05-08 The Ebola virus is among the deadliest viruses on the planet, killing up to 90% of those infected, and there are no approved vaccines or effective therapies. A study published by Cell Press on May 7th in the Biophysical Journal reveals how the most...

  • 三名欧洲男子制作电脑病毒被美国法院起诉

    13-01-24 US prosecutors say they have charged three men with creating and distributing a virus that infected more a million computers around the world. 美国检察官起诉了三名男子,他们制作并传播了 一种电脑病毒,使全世界大约一百万台电脑中毒。 They say the Gozi...

  • 阻止丙型肝炎病毒的入侵

    12-12-30 Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have figured out intimate details of how the hepatitis C virus(丙型肝炎病毒) takes over an invaded cell, a breakthrough that could point to way for new treatments for the virus. Hep C hi...

  • 乌干达爆发伊波拉出血热

    12-11-16 A fresh outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Uganda has killed at least two people, the health minister has said. 乌干达卫生官员称,新爆发的伊波拉病毒已至少造成两人死亡。 Christine Ondoa said two members of the same family died over the weekend not...

  • 研究人员制造出病毒粒子大小的激光装置

    12-11-07 A Northwestern University research team has found a way to manufacture single laser devices that are the size of a virus particle and that operate at room temperature. These plasmonic nanolasers could be readily integrated into silicon-based photoni...

  • 科学家发现某神秘蛇类疾病的诱因

    12-08-15 A novel virus has been identified as the possible cause of a common but mysterious disease that kills a significant number of pet snakes all over the world, thanks to research led by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) -...

  • 卡尔特斯湖切喉鳟体内发现致命病毒

    12-07-20 A Simon Fraser University fish-population statistician, working in collaboration with non-government organization scientists, has uncovered evidence of a potentially deadly virus in a freshwater sport fish in B.C. SFU professor Rick Routledge and St...

  • 禽流感研究成果被公诸于众

    12-05-03 After a marathon debate over a pair of studies that show how the avian H5N1 influenza virus could become transmissible in mammals, and an unprecedented recommendation by a government review panel to block publication, one of the studies was finally...

  • 印度爆发猪流感 12人已死亡

    12-03-23 Twelve people have died of swine flu in India since the beginning of March, the country's health ministry says. 印度卫生部官员称,三月份开始爆发猪流感,目前12人已死亡。 Half of the deaths have been reported from the western state of Maharashtra. Raj...

  • EV71病毒结构被揭开

    12-03-05 Researchers have discovered critical new details about the structure of a virus that causes potentially fatal brain swelling(肿胀) and paralysis in children, pointing toward designs for antiviral drugs to treat the disease. The virus, called enter...