• 动物对病毒易感性不同导致感染症状不同

    11-07-01 A new study shows that differences in the vulnerability(弱点) of animals to a virus are crucial to understanding patterns of infection, and that variation in susceptibility to two marginally different viruses increases the number of infections whe...

  • 气候变化导致家畜发病率上升

    11-06-30 Researchers looked at changes in the behaviour of bluetongue(蓝舌病) a viral disease of cattle and sheep - from the 1960s to the present day, as well as what could happen to the transmission of the virus 40 years into the future. They found, for t...

  • 科学家创造出拟人化丙肝小鼠模型

    11-06-09 Scientists at Rockefeller University and The Scripps Research Institute have developed the first genetically humanized mouse model for hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) , an achievement that will enable researchers to test molecules that block entry of the he...

  • 单核细胞增多症患者接受光照少易患多发性硬化

    11-04-19 New research suggests that people who are exposed to low levels of sunlight coupled with a history of having a common virus known as mononucleosis(单核细胞增多症) may be at greater odds of developing multiple sclerosis ( MS多发性硬化 ) than those...

  • 艾滋病疫苗研究取得新突破

    11-04-01 A section of the AIDS virus's protein envelope once considered an improbable(不可能的) target for a vaccine now appears to be one of the most promising, new research by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists indicates. The section, a twisting str...

  • 某人类病毒可能导致大猩猩死亡

    11-03-29 For the first time, a virus that causes respiratory(呼吸的) disease in humans has been linked to the deaths of wild mountain gorillas, reports a team of researchers in the United States and Africa. The finding confirms that serious diseases can pa...

  • 艾滋病毒传播依赖于宿主碱基切除修复

    11-03-28 The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS, makes use of the base excision repair(切补修复) pathway when inserting its DNA into the host-cell genome, according to a new study led by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehen...

  • 候鸟可能对传播禽流感起重要作用

    11-03-25 Wild migratory birds(候鸟) may indeed play a role in the spread of bird flu, also known as highly pathogenic(致病的) avian influenza H5N1. A study by the U.S. Geological Survey, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the Chines...

  • 新研究将提高软壳螃蟹的运输存活率

    11-01-25 A research effort designed to prevent the introduction of viruses to blue crabs in a research hatchery(孵化场) could end up helping Chesapeake Bay watermen improve their bottom line by reducing the number of soft shell crabs perishing(死亡,毁灭...

  • 某小分子群可能预防埃博拉病毒感染

    11-01-20 Ebola, a virus that causes deadly hemorrhagic fever(出血热) in humans, has no known cure or vaccine. But a new study by University of Illinois at Chicago scientists has uncovered a family of small molecules which appear to bind to the virus's oute...