日期:2007-10-25 ultimate adj.最终的 同final, terminal, eventual Our ultimate goal is to find a cure for AIDS, said the scientist. 我们最终的目标就是找出治愈艾滋病的方法,那位科学家说道。 vacant adj.空的n. vacuum 同empty, available, disengaged, unoccupied Children i... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 sagacious adj.睿智的 同wise, intelligent Whenever Saul was confused about what to do, he would always go to his sagacious grandfather for advice. 索尔感到无所适从时总会向他睿智的祖父寻求建议。 sentimental adj.情感上的 同emotional Albert has kept his... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 obituary n.讣告 同death notice, necrology Martin was very shocked to see his best friend's obituary in the newspaper. 马丁在报上看见好友的讣告,感到非常震惊。 ornamentation n.装饰品 同adornment, decoration, embellishment, elaboration The ornamentati... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 illiterate adj.不识字的 同unlettered, uncultured, uneducated, ignorant The university set up a center where illiterate adults could learn to read. 该大学成立了一个可供不识字的成年人学习阅读的中心。 Inadvertent adj.不注意的 同accidental, fortuitous,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 eccentric adj.古怪的 同odd, queer, strange Mr. Wang is an eccentric old man who likes to collect tea pots. 王先生是个古怪的老人,他喜欢收集茶壶。 endowment n.①天分②捐赠 同1.talent, faculty, attribute 2.donation, bestowal Alice's beautiful painting... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 abandon v.放弃 同 desert, abdicate, relinquish, quit, forsake The bad weather forced the campers to abandon their tent on the mountain. 恶劣的天气迫使露营者丢弃了山上的帐篷。 addict v.使沉迷;使上瘾 同 give in to, surrender, habituate Helen drinks t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 dded=extra( 答案还有continuing) anchor=hold in a place abstract = concrete 文中找反意 Advance = improvement accomplished = achieved Admit (permit to enter) =let in Adjusted = modificated (adjusted adj.调整过的 ) Annually = yearly avenue (大路,手段... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 dissemble v.隐藏;假装 [alt after semblance of obs dissimule dissimuler dissimulare(DIS-, SIMULATE 假装的样子],[ 伪装(生物)拟态 disseminate v.散布;传播 [ disseminare(DIS-, semen -inis seed)] dissension n.冲突;纷争 [dissensio(DIS-, sentire sens- feel)... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 discernible a.可辨别的 [discerner(DIS-, cernere cret-separate)discernment 眼光;洞察力 discern 分别,识别;找出; 识],[领悟] discharge v.发射;免职;放电;卸货 [ descharger(DIS-, CHARGE)] disclaim v.否认;放弃权利 [ desclaim- stressed stem of desclamer(DIS-... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 detachment n.分离;分遣;分遣队;超然 [detachement DETACH 分离 detached分离的;公平的] deter v.阻止;拦住 [ deterrere(DE-, terrere frighten)deterrent 防止,挽留;妨碍物determent 制止(物)] detergent n.清洁剂 [ detergere(DE-, tergere ters- wipe擦拭)] deterio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 defiant a.大胆反抗的;傲慢的 [a ~ stare 挑衅的瞪视] defile v.弄脏;亵渎 [ defiler and defile pp.(DE-, FILE 锉刀;锉子 (the~)修整,锉光;(对文章等的)润饰(纵)列] definition n.定义;鲜明度;精确度 [ definitio(DEFINE)] deflate v.放气;通货紧缩[DE-+INFLATE(吹入)... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 defiant a.大胆反抗的;傲慢的 [a ~ stare 挑衅的瞪视] defile v.弄脏;亵渎 [ defiler and defile pp.(DE-, FILE 锉刀;锉子 (the~)修整,锉光;(对文章等的)润饰(纵)列] definition n.定义;鲜明度;精确度 [ definitio(DEFINE)] deflate v.放气;通货紧缩[DE-+INFLATE(吹入)... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 daredevil n.挺而走险的人;胆大的 [DARE大胆+DEVIL鬼] dart v.投掷 [darz, dars,Frank] dashing a.勇敢的;有活力的;华丽的 [DASH急冲;突进] dastard n.懦夫 [dastardly 懦弱的;卑鄙的 das'tardliness(惯用法)dastardly的狭义用法指懦弱的行为,广义用法指可]鄙 [行为] d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 crumble v.粉碎;崩溃;灭亡 [ formed as CRUMB;The old wall is crumbling away] at the edges 那道古墙的边缘逐渐崩塌 crunch v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎[同scrunch earlier cranch, assim to munch用力嚼 A dog was ~ing on a bone一只狗在咯吱咯吱地啃着骨头] crusade n.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 Unit 9 coterminous a.毗连的;有共同边界的 [也写作contermious, con+term边界,结束;terminate结束] couch n.床;睡椅;麦牙糖 [var of QUITCH =quitch grass 茅草] counterfeit a.n.v.假冒的;伪作;骗子 [countrefet, -fait, pp. of contrefaire] countermand v.撤回;取... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 contravene v.违反;抵触 [CONTRA-, venire vent- come] contrite a.悔悟的 [COM-, terere trit- rub] controvert v.否定;否认 [ controversus(CONTRA-, vertere vers- turn)controversy论争,辩论(尤指报章上的)论战] contumacious a.不听命令的 [ contumax, perh rel t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 condone v.宽恕;原谅 [ condonare(com-, donare give)] conduit n.导管;水管[ conduit conductus conduct).共同引导)(文语)(从道德观点来看的人的)行为,品行经营,营运,管理;指挥,引导 the ~ of confiscate v.充公;没收 [ confiscare(com-, fiscare fiscus treasury)] c... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 commiserate v.同情;慰问 [miserari pity miser wretched] commodious a.宽敞的;使用方便的 [ commodieux or med commodiosus commodus(COMMODE)COMMODITY日用品;商品;必需品] compact a.简洁的;紧密的 [ compactum compacisci compact-(COM-, pacisci covenant): PACT... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 Unit 8 clumsy a.笨拙的;不好看的;粗陋的 [obs clumse be numb(麻木的)with cold] cluster n.串;束 [clyster: cf CLOT凝结] clutch v.抓紧 [18th c: prob SEngl var of cletch cleck to hatch klekja,assoc with CLUTCH(用手或指甲等)抓住,] [握] clutter n.喧闹 [part... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-15 chum n.室友; 好友; 挚友 [be ~s with ┅ 与是好朋友 a new ~ 新来的移民 Tom ~med up with me汤姆和我成为好朋友] [chummage (俗)同室;共宿旧囚犯向新囚犯勒索金钱] churlish a.粗野的;下贱的;难驾驭的 [ cierlisc, ceorliscceorl CHURL下贱的人;吝啬鬼] ciliated a.... 阅读全文>>

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