日期:2011-03-12 The pursuit of lasting happiness has long been a subject of interest for scientists and surveys alike. 长时间以来,对持久幸福感的追求一直是科学家和许多相关调查关注的目标。 But what makes us really happy and what lasting benefits does happiness have?... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-12 It may come as a surprise to those who feel theyve hit the glass ceiling or heard one too many blonde jokes. 如果你觉得自己遭遇了玻璃天花板,或者经常听到女性被讥讽为胸大无脑,下面的调查可能让你很吃惊。 Most women do not believe that Britain is a sex... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-12 Men with deep voices are more likely to cheat on their partners, women believe. And men feel that if a woman has a high-pitched voice, she is more likely to be unfaithful. 女人们认为,声音低沉的男性更有可能对配偶不忠。而男人们则认为音调高的女性更有... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-12 2011年国际妇女节的主题为女性平等参与教育、培训和科技活动的机会。 This year, International Womens Day highlights the participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology. It also focuses our attention on the promotion of wo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-08 The upheaval wrought by the 22 February earthquake in Christchurch, NZ, is illustrated in new radar imagery. 2月22日新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇大地震的雷达图像已经制作完成。 The coloured bands, or fringes, represent movement towards or away from the spac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-06 Britain Thursday released 35 previously classified files documenting sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by the military and members of the public dating back to the 1950s. 英国于本周四解密了35份军方和民众提供的有关不明飞行物(UFO)见闻... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-06 Men face a depressing future as their stiff upper lips start to crumble and more women become breadwinners, psychiatrists predict. 精神病学家们预测说,男人们的未来很灰暗:他们正在摒弃喜怒不形于色的形象,而且越来越多的女性成了家庭的主要经济支柱。 The... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-05 The home of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is the most flirtatious city of the modern world, a new study showed on Monday. 周一发布的一项新调查显示,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德的故乡雅典当选为现代世界中的最轻浮城市。 Athens topped a World Flirtation... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-05 Action flick The Last Airbender and comedy Sex and the City 2 earned the wrath of Razzie voters on Saturday in the annual Oscar spoof that spotlights Hollywood's worst performances. 以恶搞奥斯卡著称的好莱坞年度最烂影片金酸莓奖上周六颁出,动作片《最... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-05 Photographs of loved ones have the power to dull pain, scientists have discovered. 科学家发现,恋人的照片有减轻疼痛的功效。 Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-05 联合国教科文组织本周二发布的一份报告称,在全世界文盲率最高的十个国家中,中国的成人文盲数位列第八。 International concern has grown over the illiteracy(文盲,无知) and education inequality found in China, said a senior official of the United Nation... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-04 People who lead an active lifestyle are up to a third less likely to develop polyps which can develop into bowel cancer, according to a study. 一项研究显示,具有积极生活态度的人的身体有1/3的机会不会产生息肉,息肉可进一步发展至肠癌。 Regular exercise... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-04 Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke as a child or adult appears to increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, experts say. 专家表示,暴露于二手烟环境中的儿童或成人患乳腺癌的风险加大。 Their study of nearly 80,000 women found breast cancer risk was... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-03-02 Using cannabis as a teenager or young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests. 一项报告显示,青少年或者年轻人吸食大麻会增加患精神病风险。 The study published in the British Medical Journal involved tracking 1,900 people over a perio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-26 Pretending to be happy can actually make you more miserable - especially if you're a woman, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,假装快乐反而会让你觉得更加抑郁,对女性来说,尤其如此。 Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile an... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-26 《经济学人》信息部一年一度的世界最宜居城市报告近日出炉,加拿大西海岸城市温哥华,以综合得分98分的成绩名列第一,这已经是温哥华连续第五年蝉联榜首。 Clouds gather above the night skyline of downtown Vancouver during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics Fe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-24 An alcoholic drink a day can help keep heart disease at bay, according to a review of 30 years of research. 一项30年的调查显示,每天适度饮酒可以免受心脏疾病的困扰。 The work, published in the British Medical Journal, showed a 14% to 25% reduction in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-24 Three-quarters of the world's coral reefs are at risk due to overfishing, pollution, climate change and other factors, says a major new assessment. 一项新的评估显示,由于过度捕捞、污染、环境变化以及其它因素的影响,世界上3/4的珊瑚礁处于危险之中。 Hea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-23 A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an unrecognizable world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday. 上周日,研究人员在一个大型美国科学会议上警告说,随着地球人口越来越多... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-02-23 A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star. 三十年前,年轻人都渴望成为律师或者医生。现在的年轻人则梦想成为下一位奥斯卡奖得主或成为流行歌星。 But one universit... 阅读全文>>

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