日期:2010-12-14 Successful people are nicer to those who are jealous of them, psychologists have found. 心理学家发现,成功人士对那些嫉妒他们的人更友善。 The fear that they may become the target of malicious(恶意的) envy makes people act more helpfully toward peop... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-14 Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. 抛开失去至爱的痛苦不谈,离婚可能是生活中压力最大的一件事。 But research suggests that divorce can be good for men at least in terms of making th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-14 Childlessness has reached record levels among a generation of women wrestling with the pressures of careers, mortgages and rocky relationships. 这一代女性不仅要与事业、房贷和不稳定的情感关系等多重压力做斗争,她们无子女的比例也达到了有史以来的最高水... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-14 Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in in maths, science and literacy released Tuesday. 根据本周二最新发布的一项针对数学素养、科学素养和阅读素养的全... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-14 George W. Bush has been named as the least popular living US president, according to a survey released yesterday. 据昨日公布的最新调查,美国前总统小布什获评最不受欢迎的在世美国总统。 Gaffes: President Bush made a fool out of himself on a number of o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-14 在墨西哥海滨城市坎昆举行的联合国气候谈判大会于周六闭幕,各国在对抗气候变化方面仅做出少量承诺,并同意为贫困国家提供更多资金,但有关大规模减排的艰难协议要到明年才有可能达成。 The world's governments agreed on Saturday to modest steps to combat climate... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-12 Palinism and Obama-mess are likely to be among the top global words of 2011, as the United States gears up for its next presidential elections, according to a language monitoring group. 根据全球语言监测机构的最新预测,随着美国为下届总统大选热身,佩... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-12 WARNING: Holding a cellphone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be hazardous to your health. 警告:将手机贴在耳边或者塞在口袋里可能有害健康。 In San Francisco, cellphone retailers must post information about radiation. This paraphrase... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-12 Teenagers would rather be taught about family values than about sex, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,英国青少年更想多学习一些有关家庭价值观的知识而非性知识。 They see the responsibilities of being a parent as the number one fact of life ahead of s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-12 为了宣传戒酒,俄罗斯卫生社会发展部制作了一个戒酒宣传片《恶魔松鼠》。 Russias health ministry has rolled out an unlikely new weapon in its fight against rampant(猖獗的,蔓延的) alcoholism: a video of a drunken squirrel hallucinating(产生幻觉) . T... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-08 Ministers have begun talks at the UN climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, amid warnings that time is running out to curb climate change. 墨西哥城市坎昆举行的联合国气候峰会上各国部长开始举行会谈,阻止气候变化迫在眉睫。 Top UN climate official Christiana... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-05 News trumped celebrities in 2010 as the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and World Cup soccer in South Africa topped the list of most-searched items of 2010, according to Yahoo! 据雅虎的统计,新闻取代了名人成为2010年的最热门搜索项,搜索量最大的两... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-05 James Franco and Anne Hathaway have just what Academy Awards producers want as hosts of Hollywood's biggest night. They'll put on a show, rather than just another awards ceremony, organizers say. 奥斯卡颁奖典礼主办方近日宣布,詹姆斯弗兰科和安妮海瑟... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-12-05 Around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a year, World Health Organization (WHO) researchers said on Friday. 世界卫生组织的研究人员周五称,全球每100例死亡中就有1例是死于被动吸烟,每... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-27 If you want to catch a mans attention, dont bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout. 如果你想吸引男人的目光,不必费心去眨动睫毛或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。 All smiles: Jessica Alba and Cheryl Cole prov... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-27 Contrary to common belief social media websites such as Facebook do not weaken personal ties, they strengthen them in unique ways for different age groups, according to a new study. 一项新研究表明,Facebook等社交网站并不会削弱人与人之间的关系,反而... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-27 St. Louis has replaced Camden, New Jersey as the most dangerous US city, according to a study based on FBI crime data and released Monday. 周一发布的一项基于美国联邦调查局犯罪数据的研究显示,圣路易斯已取代新泽西州的卡姆登市,成为全美最危险城市。 St.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-27 科学家们认为,中国甘肃省境内骊靬村居民很可能是古罗马失落军团的后裔,科学家将对他们进行进一步DNA检测。 Cai Junnian's green eyes give a hint he may be a descendant of Roman mercenaries who allegedly fought the Han Chinese 2,000 years ago. Anthropologi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-24 The number of new HIV infections and deaths from Aids are falling globally, according to new statistics from the UN's programme on HIV/Aids. 联合国艾滋病规划署的最新统计数据显示,全球范围内新感染艾滋病病毒的人数和死于艾滋病的人数正在下降。 The virus... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-11-22 A conference on tobacco held in Uruguay has recommended that additives used to make cigarettes more appealing to new smokers should be restricted or banned. 乌拉圭举办的一场烟草研讨会上建议限制或禁止烟草添加剂的使用,据悉烟草添加剂可以使新烟民更易上... 阅读全文>> |