日期:2011-01-03 Imagine waking up to a world where China is the world's leading superpower, astronauts are busy walking on Mars and a brand new political party is ruling the UK. 想象一下,有一天当你醒来时,发现中国成了世界领先的超级大国,宇航员们在火星上行走,而统... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-01-03 美国知名电影评论网站烂番茄称,《社交网络》和《玩具总动员3》是今年最受好评的两部影片。 They are two movies that figure in(算进,参加) Hollywood's Oscar race, and there is good reason why. Toy Story 3 and The Social Network are the best-reviewed fil... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-30 For the third straight year, President Barack Obama ranks as the man most admired by people living in the US, according to an annual USA Today-Gallup poll. 《今日美国》和盖洛普咨询公司合作的一项年度民意调查显示,贝拉克奥巴马总统连续第三年被评为美国... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-30 以色列特拉维夫大学考古学系教授阿维戈弗说他们团队在特拉维夫市东部一个洞穴里发现了八颗牙齿,其中最古老的一颗可追溯到40万年前,比之前发现的最早的智人骨骸还早了20万年,该发现可能会推翻现代人起源于非洲的传统观点。 Israeli archaeologists(考古学家) have... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-28 The Beckhams say that quality time is the secret behind their happy marriage, while Michael Douglas once credited Viagra with the secret to his. 贝克汉姆夫妇称他们婚姻幸福的秘诀是多和家人在一起,而迈克尔道格拉斯则一度把他的美满婚姻归功于伟哥。 But,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-27 They say you should never judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to the opposite sex, it seems that's exactly what women do. It takes a woman just three minutes to make up her mind about whether she likes a man or not, a study has revealed. 人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-27 O Christmas sweater, O Christmas sweater! Amid a surge in fashion nostalgia, the much-maligned Christmas knit is enjoying a moment of irony-infused popularity. 圣诞毛衫!圣诞毛衫!随着时装怀旧风的兴起,曾经饱受攻击的圣诞毛衫正迎来戏剧性的大流行。 In... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-26 Christmas carol Silent Night has topped the list of Britain's most recorded Christmas song of all time, according to music licensing company PPL. 音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜榜首。 The 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-26 This was the year the Earth struck back. 今年,地球开始反击了。 Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards(暴风雪) , landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 the deadliest year in more tha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-26 Some have already dubbed it the George Clooney Effect: Psychologists in Scotland have found that as women become more financially independent, they want an older, more attractive male partner. 苏格兰心理学家研究发现,女性经济地位越独立,就越想寻觅较... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-26 British and Italian men will be hoping to catch a whiff of celebrity this Christmas, according to a survey released on Friday. 周五发布的一项调查显示,英国男人和意大利男人希望今年圣诞节能沾点名人气息。 Interest in celebrity fragrances(芳香剂,香水... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-26 The Queen has made sport the central focus of her Christmas message this year, Buckingham Palace has revealed. 白金汉宫透露,女王将运动作为她今年圣诞致辞的中心焦点。 She emphasises how it can be used to build communities and create harmony, and high... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 Whatever you think about using grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean. 不管你对使用恼人的词语怎么看,到头来最好还是不要说whatever(无所谓),你懂我的意思吧。 For the second consecutive... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 In celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year, the US Treasury Department Tuesday unveiled 2 new Lucky Money products, Year of the Rabbit and Lucky Lion. 为了庆祝即将到来的春节,美国财政部于周二发行了两款吉利钱:玉兔和金狮。 In celebration o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?, asked Shakespeare. Now, women of the world have replied: No, just tell me I have beautiful lips. 我可以把你比作夏日吗?莎士比亚问道。现在,全世界的女人们回答:不用了,只要告诉我我的嘴唇很漂亮就可以了。 A new... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 Women saw little advancement in corporate boardrooms and compensation in 2010, extending a 5-year trend in which companies have lagged in promoting and mentoring of women to their own detriment, according to a new study released on Monday. 周一发布... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 阿联酋首都阿布扎比的一家七星级酒店于本周三推出了史上最贵的一棵圣诞树,树枝上挂满珠宝,总价值超过1100万美元。据悉,这棵圣诞树高13米,本身价值约1万美元,树枝上悬挂的钻石、珍珠、翡翠以及蓝宝石等贵重珠宝总计有181件。 The 13-metre (40-foot) faux evergree... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-18 欧洲议会近日致函英国有关方面,要求对其国内中小学要求在校学生刷指纹的普遍做法给出合理解释,欧洲议会认为此举违反了欧盟有关隐私保护的法律。 The European Commission has demanded Britain justifies the widespread and routine(日常的,例行的) fingerprinti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-16 Advice for pregnant women on avoiding soft cheeses and certain other foods should be extended to cancer patients, according to public health experts. 公共卫生专家表示,孕妇要避免食用软干酪和其它某些食品应同样适用于癌症患者。 Listeria causes food poi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-12-15 The Cuban government is launching its own online encyclopaedia, similar to Wikipedia, with the goal of presenting its view of the world and history. 古巴政府即将发布其自有在线百科全书,该系统与维基百科类似,意在展示其对世界的观点与其历史。 Ecured ai... 阅读全文>>

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