日期:2021-08-20 你的工作不但可以影响你的收入、生活质量和幸福指数,还与你的身体息息相关。新研究发现,工作有趣的人患痴呆症的风险比其他人低三分之一。医生、律师、官员都属于有趣的工作,而收银员、司机等则被归类为无趣的工作。 Having an interesting job in your forties may... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-08-19 许多人都有睡前读书的习惯,不只是因为他们是书虫,还因为读书的助眠功效实在太赞了。你可曾好奇过,为什么自己一看书就犯困呢? Youve finally tucked yourself into bed and cracked open the detective novel youve been waiting all day to get back to. Three pag... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-08-17 许多人都把中年发福归咎于新陈代谢变慢,然而新研究发现,中年人的新陈代谢速度和年轻人无异,60岁后新陈代谢才开始减速。也许,中年发福只是吃得太多,动得太少。 Middle-aged spread cannot be blamed on a waning metabolism, according to an unprecedented analys... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-08-12 猫咪通常被认为是比较独立的动物,大多数人认为猫很冷漠,过着相当孤独的生活,好像在它们眼里并没有主人这个概念,更不会对人有什么依恋性,但是,俄勒冈州立大学的一项研究发现,事实并非如此。 Cats have a rotten reputation as a cold and distant domesticated a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-16 想要躲过中年发福的魔咒,并不是绝无可能的。新研究发现,只要多吃全谷物食品,多吃坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶,就可以帮助你在中年保持身材,还能降低你的血糖和血压水平。 Eating porridge in later life can help you avoid the dreaded middle-aged spread, according... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-15 夜夜难以入眠,害怕身体吃不消?研究发现,睡眠不足可以靠运动来补。只要运动量达标,即使睡眠质量差,也可以抵消不良睡眠带来的健康风险。 Staying active and fit could help to ward off some of the negative health impacts that would normally result from low-... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-14 友达以上,恋人未满?那么也许你可以加把油,因为研究显示,多达三分之二的夫妇或情侣是从朋友开始做起的。相比浪漫的一见钟情,还是日久生情更为普遍。 When Harry first met Sally, he asserted men and women could not be friends because the sex part always get... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-13 刷牙后漱口本来是许多人的常规操作,然而,牙医指出,不将满口泡沫冲洗干净更有益牙齿健康。如果用清水或漱口水冲洗掉泡沫,那么牙膏的防蛀作用就会大打折扣。正确做法是,将多余牙膏和泡沫吐掉即可。 After you finish brushing your teeth, swishing around some wat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-12 研究显示,长期睡眠不足会对人的记忆力、身体健康等产生一定的影响。 Insufficient sleep degrades thinking, memory, and decision-making. Sleep deprivation also raises the risk of daytime sleepiness, which can harm productivity and academic achievement wh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-08 假如死亡能预测,你想知道自己的寿命还剩多久吗? 在2015年上映的一部比利时奇幻喜剧电影中,上帝的女儿为了反抗父亲的压迫,将人类的死亡日期发到他们的手机上。 人们在得知自己生命的剩余时间后,有人喜悦,有人恐慌,有人愤怒,有人则表现得异常平静。 虽然电影是虚... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-08 租衣服穿可能并没有你想象的那么环保。研究发现,服装租赁过程中会产生大量排放物,对环境和气候造成的有害影响相比回收、转售衣服都更大。 A study has revealed that renting clothes, long touted as one of the answers to fashions sustainability crisis, is wor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-06 Boreout is different from burnout in the sense that bored-out employees rarely collapse out of exhaustion. Bored-out people may be present physically but not in spirit, and people can keep doing this for a good while, says Harju. 哈留称:闷爆和过度... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-06 大家都知道,工作过度会生病,但是你可知道,工作太无聊也会生病?研究人员指出,对工作提不起精神、觉得工作毫无意义的闷爆现象和过度疲劳一样会危害你的身心健康,甚至会引发抑郁症。 Being chronically bored at work can have damaging consequences and we need t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-05 你有 拖延症 吗?现代人经常把拖延视为一个坏习惯,但在节奏紧张的都市生活中,适当地歇一歇也许对身心健康有益。 Procrastination is often seen as the enemy of productivity. Images of lazy people with feet up on desks or wasting time to dodge work spring t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-05 生物学家发现了世界上最小的潜水哺乳动物 水鼩的基因秘密。 Water shrews are diminutive, long-snouted mammals. They weigh less than one AA battery, and lose heat quickly, and burn energy constantly in tiny active muscles. 水鼩是一种体型纤... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-07-02 Look up at the skies and you see stars. But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is, filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter. It cant be seen but this instrument can detect dark matter by the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-06-28 科学家们报告说,这是迄今为止观测到的持续时间最长的沉积物崩塌。崩塌发生在非洲西侧刚果河河口切入海底的一条深邃峡谷中。 Weve all seen pictures of an avalanche falling down a mountain. Now, imagine this mighty force tumbling down a slope for two whole d... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-06-28 A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters. 英国纽卡斯尔大学一项有千万家庭参与的研究能够帮助准父母预测孩子性别。 The work by Corry Gellatly,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-06-24 Look up at the skies and you see stars. But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is, filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter. It cant be seen but this instrument can detect dark matter by the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-06-23 当一个人感到伤心时,通常会说我的心都碎了。虽然这只是一种比喻,人的心脏并不会因为悲伤的情绪碎裂成片,但是却可能出现心碎综合征。 心碎综合征是指人在经历重大外部事件打击时,会产生极其哀伤、悲痛或愤怒的心理,同时出现了类似于心脏疾病的症状,比如会有胸痛、... 阅读全文>> |