14-09-24 The old age had crept in on Mrs. Daly. Aches and pains bothered her day and night. One day, she received a package with some pills and a letter from her son. The letter said, Dear Mom, I am sending you some wonder drug called rejuvenation pills. It...
13-04-03 Contrary to popular belief, a strong jaw and masculine looks may not be what all women want, a new study has revealed. 一项新研究揭示,和大众观念相反,不是所有女人都喜欢强壮的下巴和男性化的外表。 Women taking the contraceptive pill actually prefer m...
12-02-11 美国宾州史宾斯堡大学因为在校园健康中心内的自动贩卖机摆放事后避孕药而引发各界争议。 Shippensburg University is coming under fire today after local television affiliate(使附属,参加) WTAE reported that the university has begun selling the Plan B eme...
11-11-16 Use of the contraceptive pill(避孕药) is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer around the globe, finds research published in BMJ Open. Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer in the developed world and the use of the contrace...
11-10-29 荷兰艺术家露西麦克雷正在跟研究人员一起研发一种可吞食的香水,人们服下装有香水的特制胶囊后,香气就会随着汗液排出,使浑身散发香味。目前,这种可吞食香水仍处于研发阶段,具体上市时间尚不明确。 Those sweat stains could be the equivalent to a spritz(喷洒)...
11-10-15 If after-work drinks tend to leave you clinging with embarrassment the next morning, help could be at hand. 工作之余的酒局让你第二天早晨很尴尬?还在为此烦恼吗?别担心,新研制的千杯不醉解酒药可以帮你摆脱烦恼。 Scientists are developing a stay sober p...
11-01-18 Do you want that in a pill or a shot? A pill, thank you, but most patients never have that choice. The problem with administering many medications orally is that a pill often will not dissolve(溶解,解散) at exactly the right site in the gastroint...
09-10-21 The condom has now caught up with the pill as women's preferred method of contraception, latest figures suggest. 最新数据显示,避孕套取代药物成为女性更为喜欢的避孕方法。 Condoms can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections A quarter of...
09-10-17 In this combination photo, Actor Orlando Bloom (L) attends a meeting with city officials in Sarajevo August 12, 2008, and British actor Daniel Craig waves to Japanese fans as he arrives at the Japanese premiere for his latest James Bond movie Quantu...
09-08-14 Many women are not taking the safest brand of the pill, say researchers. 研究人员称,很多女人没有服用最安全品牌的避孕药。 Blood clots in women on the Pill are rare Two separate studies in the British Medical Journal found that some oral contraceptiv...