日期:2008-09-25 Sending text messages from your mobile phone while driving is more dangerous than climbing behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs, a study by Britain's Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) has found. The reaction times of people texti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-25 She fills two converted bedrooms with clothes -- one for casual and a second for glam -- and staying organized worked for singer Fergie who on Wednesday made People magazine's 2008 list of best dressed women. I don't like to throw anything away, Fer... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 他们中的一个是世界上最矮的男子,另一个则是世界上拥有最长美腿的女人。来自中国内蒙古的何平平身高仅有74.61厘米,来自俄罗斯的潘克拉托娃身高1.98米,拥有一对1.32米长的美腿。20岁的何平平从家乡远道而来,参加在英国伦敦特拉法加广场举行的《2009年版吉尼斯世界纪... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 根据一项最新的科学研究结果显示,男人倾向于选择跟母亲长得像的人作为伴侣,而女人则多半会对长得像自己父亲的人一见倾心。男人选择的伴侣大多和自己的母亲长相相似,不论是嘴唇的厚度、嘴巴的宽度、下巴的宽度及长度都差不多。女人在选择伴侣时,比较在意的是嘴巴到... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 美国科研人员称,因母亲承受压力,美国数以百万计10岁以下儿童可能为寻求慰藉而大量摄入不健康食品,进而导致肥胖。压力源于贫困。经济拮据、工作压力大、缺少医疗保险等因素使人感觉到压力。由于人们倾向于以进食方式应对压力,生活在这些家庭的儿童往往吃得更多。因... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 北京时间今日凌晨,第65届威尼斯电影节在意大利水城威尼斯拉开帷幕。在开幕片《阅后即焚》发布会上,布拉德皮特和乔治克鲁尼两位巨星首先引起影迷尖叫。竞赛单元的21部影片将参与金狮奖的角逐,评选结果将在意大利时间9月6日揭晓。 The Venice Film Festival opened We... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 Switzerland's fabled mountain air may be healthier than anyone thought: nine out of ten people say they feel on top form even as obesity is on the rise, new statistics showed Friday. The majority of the Swiss population thinks it is in good health.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 Bosses in general can be a pain in the ... well, you know, but a new study finds that your boss' gender can affect just how much pain he or she seems to inflict. Researchers at the University of Toronto used data from a 2005 national telephone surve... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 Nicole Kidman was named the most overpaid celebrity in Hollywood in the second annual list of least bankable stars by US magazine Forbes, taking the top slot from fellow Australian Russell Crowe. Kidman's films were estimated to only earn $1 for eve... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 An 11-month-old baby helped raise the alarm that her mother had collapsed unconscious by using a mobile phone. Amelia Boyle, known as Millie, picked up the ringing mobile and answered the call when her mother Elizabeth, 20, fainted in the hall of th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-18 US vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin's fashion sense is winning applause in an unexpected quarter -- in Japan, where the maker of her rimless glasses is enjoying a sudden boost in business. The Alaska governor's designer specs have become a hot... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-17 F4曾因偶像剧《流星花园》红遍东南亚,不过,F4今后就不叫F4了,更名为JVKV。在开拍《流星花园》时,F4的名号由日本出版社授权使用。如今日本也开拍《流星花园》,因此日本出版社希望四子今后的活动与《流》剧无关,日前在台湾举办国际歌友会的活动,四子就已更名为JVK... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-17 又是一款炒作艺术 好莱坞名媛帕丽斯希尔顿的尸体解剖雕像。曾为布兰妮打造分娩裸像的雕塑师尼尔爱德华兹近日又推新作,这次雕塑的对象是赤身裸体躺在尸检台上的帕丽斯。据丹尼尔介绍,这次作品的灵感来自于帕丽斯去年醉酒驾驶被捕一案,作品专为致力宣传反对醉酒驾驶而... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-17 本周二,德国二人电子流行舞曲组合舞动精灵携最新专辑《炫舞王国》登陆中国。在北京举行的首次记者会上,他们现场演绎了广受中国歌迷喜爱的流行舞曲God Is A Girl和Moonlight Shadow两首经典舞曲。 German electronic dance beats duo, Groove Coverage, brought their... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-17 07美国小姐劳伦尼尔森的履历表上又新添加了一项光辉业绩:担当警方卧底成功诱捕色狼。据报道,来自俄克拉荷马州的新科美国小姐尼尔森通过网上聊天,协助警方捣毁了一色情团伙。此外,警方在追捕行动中还录制了这起案例,并将于本周六通过美国法制节目《全美一号通缉犯... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-17 小甜甜布兰妮塑身成功后的一大损失是什么?胸围小了。有小报直击布兰妮乳沟不在的尴尬模样,言其虽然减掉了多余的赘肉,却也附带减没了丰满的乳胸。 Britney Spears stepped out for coffee One casualty in Britney Spears' new healthy life style? Her shrinking bu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-10 If you're single and looking for a mate, Atlanta could be the place to live. The southern US city displaced San Francisco for the top spot and edged past Dallas, Minneapolis and Washington D.C. to be voted the No. 1 city for singles, according to Fo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-10 Angelina Jolie might ooze Hollywood glamour, but if she's armed and looking dangerous, the actress is not welcome in Britain. Britain's media watchdog, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), has banned two posters of Jolie promoting the film Wan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-10 People taking the stairs instead of elevator at work can expect to live longer, according to a Swiss study released on Monday. Regularly walking from floor to floor in an office building decreased mortality risk by 15 percent, said Dr. Philippe Meye... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-09-10 Feeling stressed or anxious at an inability to access the Internet? Don't worry, you're not alone and now there's a word for it: discomgoogolation. Nearly half of Britons -- 44 percent -- are discomgoogolation sufferers, according to a survey, with... 阅读全文>> |