日期:2008-12-31 A member of the Optimalist heath club takes a dip in the icy water of a canal near the village of Viazynka, some 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Minsk December 28, 2008. The club promotes a healthy way of living, encouraging its members to spend most... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 A winter swimmer jumps into the icy water of Songgua River in Harbin, Heilongjiang province December 24, 2008. Picture taken December 24, 2008.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 Sydney's Bondi Beach. Topless tanning on Australia's iconic beaches could soon be outlawed if a conservative lawmaker wins a battle to force women to keep their breasts under wraps Australia's reputation as a laid-back, easy-going nation of sunworsh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 US First Lady Laura Bush, pictured in September 2008, said Sunday she was not amused First Lady Laura Bush wasn't amused when an Iraqi reporter threw his shoes at the president during a news conference in Baghdad this month. It was an assault, she s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 A $175 hamburger, is prepared at The Wall Street Burger Shoppe in New York in this file photo from May Whether smashing plates in San Diego to relieve frustration or drinking Bailout Bitter beer in Canada sold as a bitter ale for bitter times, peopl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II stands in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace after recording her Christmas Day message to the Commonwealth, on Monday Dec. 22, 2008. Worries about the global economy and violence across the world have turned the celebra... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 2009年1月1日是欧元的10周年纪念日,十年的时间对一种货币来说并不算长,但它却在短短十年里完成了价格稳定、刺激贸易和投资、整合金融市场以及货币统一的使命。而在金融危机不断恶化、改革全球金融体系呼声空前高涨之时,涉世未久的欧元,其不可忽视的价值得到英国官... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 在索尼、丰田等日本名企挣扎于经济危机的苦海,裁员之声此起彼伏的时候,东京迪斯尼乐园却似乎置身世外,生意依然兴?>菥??玫纤鼓崂衷暗闹晔禄嵘缭ぜ疲?衲晔サ?诤托履昶诩洌?饫锏挠慰褪?拷?岢???辍S杏慰捅硎镜纤鼓崂衷笆俏ㄒ荒苋盟??俏;?屠?训牡胤健... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Condoleezza Rice (L) speaks wtih Saudi King Abudllah in 2007. Rice received a set of diamond and ruby jewelry from the Saudi King valued at 165,000 dollars, according to a list of official gifts released this week by the US State Department. Protoco... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 People visit an ice sculpture for the upcoming 25th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival at a park in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province December 23, 2008. The 25th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival will kick off on January 5, 2009, local... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Bounty, a rescue dog looks out from her kennel at the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London December 18, 2008. It's not just bankers, businesses and ordinary members of the public suffering from the credit crunch. Animals are having a bad time too.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 A poster depicting US President George W. Bush is seen under a pair of shoes during a protest at a university in Beirut December 17, 2008 in solidarity with Iraqi TV reporter Muntazer al-Zaidi, who threw his shoes at Bush on Sunday. Reporter Al-Zaid... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Christmas is just a week away and it's a busy time for Santa Claus and his elves. They're already sorting through some 160-thousand letters from children around the world. Naturally, things having been getting stressful - even Rudolph the reindeer i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Few people are as serious about food as the French. Christmas dinner in France is bound to be a culinary delight regardless of individual preference or budget. There isn't a traditional Christmas dish in France. Regional traditions determine the men... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Christmas is around the corner. But, despite the economic slowdown, preparations in the Philippines for the holiday season have already begun. The Philippine Christmas season is one of the longest in the world, and preparations started as early as m... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 US President-elect Barack Obama (with baseball cap) greets well-wishers after his workout at the Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base in Kailua, Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008. US President-elect Barack Obama offered appreciation to the country's militar... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 Ever wonder what Britain's royal family write on their Christmas cards? Australian Tim Kelly knows, as he receives one from the Queen every year. Each Christmas time, Kelly's Sydney mailbox is packed with greeting cards from celebrities and househol... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 The odds of a white Christmas in temperate parts of the northern hemisphere have diminished in the last century due to climate change and will likely decline further by 2100, climate and meteorology experts said. Even though heavy snow this year wil... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 A man dressed as Saint Nicholas stands beside an illuminated Christmas tree in the city center of Hamburg December 6, 2008 A shortage of Christmas trees in Denmark, Europe's largest exporter, is driving up prices in a trend likely to last until 2012... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-26 In this Nov. 4, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama, left, his wife Michelle Obama, right, and two daughters, Malia, 7. and Sasha, 10, wave at the election night rally in Chicago. The epic election that made Barack Obama the first African-... 阅读全文>> |