日期:2009-01-22 美国名厨艾丽丝沃特斯表示希望奥巴马入主白宫之后能够促进美国国内健康饮食观念以及对本地食品作物的支持。现年64岁的沃特斯一直主张食用味道可口、未经精加工、品质新鲜和种植方式不破坏环境的食品。奥巴马就职典礼前夜,沃特斯和其他几位美国名厨将会在一个名为美国... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-22 去年受罢工影响只以记者会形式举行的金球大奖,今年起死回生。第66届金球奖颁奖典礼于北京时间昨日上午在洛杉矶举行。英国导演丹尼博伊尔执导的新片《贫民窟的百万富翁》,斩获最佳剧情影片、最佳导演、最佳剧本、最佳配乐4项大奖;而英国演员凯特温斯莱特一人独得最佳... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-22 1月8日是猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利74岁诞辰,而就在1月9日,澳大利亚小镇帕克斯第六届猫王节也拉开了帷幕。来自各地的猫王模仿者们身着亮闪闪的紧身衣,戴着飞行员太阳镜,梳着猫王经典发型争相挤上埃尔维斯快车参加长大6小时的模仿秀之旅。在旅途结束时还会评出车上最佳着... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 Japan's toy manufacturer Ogawa Rubber employee Yuka Nomura paints an eye on a rubber mask of US President-elect Barack Obama at the company's factory in Saitama city, suburban Tokyo. For those who just can't get enough of US president-elect Barack O... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 A pair of handcuffs is displayed as a visitor looks at an exhibit from the 'Museum of Broken Relationships' during the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2009 January 7, 2009. From an empty ring box to sexy lingerie and a pair of fur-lined handcuffs, an e... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 President-elect Barack Obama steps aboard a military plane at Chicago Midway Airport January 4, 2009 before flying to Andrews Air Force Base near Washington. Obama is moving to Washington 16 days before being sworn in as the 44th President of the Un... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 FBI's recruitment website.The FBI said on Monday it had launched one of the largest hiring blitzes in its 100-year history involving 2,100 professional staff vacancies and 850 special agents aimed at filling its most critical vacancies. Wanted by th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 Marriages improve after children grow up and move out, according to an academic study which suggests an empty nest is not always a bad thing. Popular wisdom has it that parents' relationships may suffer once their young fly the coop, because they fe... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 The star of Hancock and Men in Black topped the annual poll of cinema owners and film buyers. Smith, 40, is only the second African-American actor to win the Quigley poll in its 76 year history. Sidney Poitier was placed first in 1968 after the succ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 Sexual health clinics could soon be open in every secondary school and college. All pupils would have easy access to emergency contraception and pregnancy testing without their parents being told. Around a third of secondary schools in England - alm... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 A new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration balls from the ultimate fashion faux pas -- wearing the same dress as someone else. Dressregistry.com invites party goers to post the designer, color and length of the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 据英国工会联盟统计的数字显示,2008年有500万英国人自愿免费加班以期在经济低迷期保住自己的饭碗,此举所创造的价值达269亿英镑,而如果给付加班费的话,他们这一年平均每人能拿到5139英镑。英国公会联盟秘书长表示,自愿免费加班人数连续第二年增长并不是好现象;工... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-09 受金融危机和投资失利双重打击,德国排名第五的亿万富翁、74岁的阿道夫默克勒5日自杀身亡。默克勒的家族控制着德国最有名的几个大公司,目前约有10万名员工为默克勒家族效力。2008年,默克勒在《福布斯》世界富翁榜单上名列第94位,资产总额约为92亿美元。2008年,默克... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-05 Shoppers buy Lucky Bags at Mitsukoshi department store, in Tokyo Japan on January 2, 2009. Forget the recession, at least for now in Japan, where it's time for some mystery New Year's shopping designed to cast off the economic gloom. Thousands of sh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-05 Republican vice presidential candidate Palin topped the poll of most desirable celebrity neighbors with 14 percent If they had to live next door to a celebrity, American adults would most like to be neighbors with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and chat sh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-01-05 飞行医生是澳大利亚医疗制度的一大特色。由于澳大利亚是一个面积广阔,人口稀少的国家,政府专门设立了远程医疗服务体系,对住在边远地区的孤立居民点和家庭,借助高科技的通讯手段和先进的交通工具提供空中医疗服务。然而由于肥胖症患者的日益增加,他们发现需要为飞... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pose at the premiere of the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Tilda Swinton and Brad Pitt look on as George Clooney fools around at the Burn After Reading premiere which opens the 65th Venice Film Festival. Geor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 A baby cries as an amateur sumo wrestler tries to scare her during a baby crying contest at Sensoji temple in Tokyo, Japan, April 27. A herder feeds a buffalo its own milk before milking it on the outskirts of Amritsar, India. A Greek and a Swedish... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 A model presents a creation for the finals of 2008 China Lingerie Model Contest in Nanning, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, December 28, 2008. Models present creations for the finals of 2008 China Lingerie Model Contest in Nanning, S... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-31 Some of the more than 50 couples practice an assembled kiss for midnight at the annual New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square in New York, December 26, 2008.... 阅读全文>> |