• 飞翔的梦想与现实

    12-09-04 Oh, to be free like a bird. It's been the stuff of fantacy, and of reality. Sort of. A self-contained flying man. This jet pack from 1960s had barely enough fuel to fly 30 seconds. So the dream languished for decades. Everyone agreed it was complete...

  • 降低超音速喷气机的噪音成为可能

    12-08-15 They're sleek(圆滑的) . They're fast. They're powerful. And, they are deafening. Furthermore, those Top Gun military jets need to be up in the air in the wee hours(深夜,凌晨) -- over land -- to simulate their landings on aircraft carriers. But...

  • 伦敦周围开始进行空管

    12-07-13 A series of airspace restrictions around London and south-east England are set to be enforced as part of security for the 2012 Olympic Games. 为加强2012年奥运会的安全,伦敦周围以及英格兰东南部地区开始了一系列的航空管理。 The Ministry of Defence said...

  • 尼日利亚达纳航空被当局禁飞

    12-06-06 Nigeria's civil aviation authority has grounded all Dana Air's aeroplanes after one of its aircraft crashed on Sunday in a busy Lagos suburb. 尼日利亚达纳航空的一架飞机周日坠毁在拉各斯一处繁华的郊区,民航当局遂对该公司所有的飞机实行禁飞。 An investi...

  • refit aircraft carrier 航母改建

    12-02-23 China's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that the country is making use of an imported aircraft carrier body for refitting to be used for scientific research, experiment and training. 中国国防部本周三宣布,正利用一艘进口的废旧航母进行改建,用于科...

  • 摩洛哥军用飞机坠毁 78人遇难

    11-07-27 Seventy-eight people were killed when a Moroccan military aircraft crashed into a mountain in the south of the country, the army says. 摩洛哥军方称,一架军用飞机撞到南部一座山上,78人死亡。 The army said three other people were severely wounded in t...

  • 巴西一架飞机坠毁 16人死亡

    11-07-14 A twin-engine aircraft has crashed in north-east Brazil, killing all 16 people on board. 一架双引擎飞机在巴西东北部地区坠毁,舱内16人全部死亡。 Firefighters said there were no survivors from the crash The crew had reported problems almost immediatel...

  • 飞机起降会使机场附近降水增加

    11-07-01 Researchers have found that areas near commercial airports sometimes experience a small but measurable increase in rain and snow when aircraft take off and land under certain atmospheric conditions(通风条件) . The new study led by the National Cen...

  • Area 51 Mix-up

    11-03-15 You've all heard of the Air Force's ultra-high-security, super-secret base in Nevada, known simply as Area 51? Well, late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing at their secret base. They immedi...

  • A380客机的引擎存在“生产故障”

    10-12-02 Air safety investigators in Australia say they have identified a serious manufacturing fault with engines fitted to Airbus A380 passenger jets. 澳大利亚航空安全调查委员会称,他们已经在A380空中客机上的引擎中发现了一个严重的生产故障。 The engine explo...