• 人工智能给糟糕的会议画上句号?

    21-02-08 会议是许多企业和公司的常规组成部分。但很多人认为会议是耗时、枯燥和无效的。有理论证实,人工智能可能是帮助人们组织更好、更高效的会议的答案。人工智能是怎么办到的? Business meetings are, arguably, a necessary part of any organisation where people work...

  • designated driving 代驾

    21-01-10 喝酒不开车,开车找代驾。近年来,随着人们交通安全意识的提升,代驾服务逐渐流行起来。代驾,是指专业人员驾驶车主的车将其送至指定地点并收取一定费用的行为。可以翻译为designated driving/be a designated driver,也可以用chauffeur service或chauffeuring表示。...

  • give up the old business 金盆洗手

    21-01-09 金盆洗手,汉语成语,指放弃以前长期从事的行业或某件事,可以翻译为give up the old business。也可以用wash ones hands of something表示,有renounce, abandon, or distance oneself from someone or something的意思。 例句: 让一个做坏事的人金盆洗手真的那么难...

  • 上班族的副业

    21-01-04 Do you have a job? If you do, youll know the world of work can be tough long hours, tedious tasks and stress. But it can bring benefits too, such as a regular salary and, sometimes, job satisfaction. Maybe thats why more us are now taking on a side...

  • 每周四天工作日,可行吗?

    21-01-02 People in the UK work longer hours than anyone else in the European Union but are far from the most productive. According to the Trades Union Congress, a UK body that brings together 49 member unions to improve their working conditions, employees in...

  • 法国传奇时装设计师皮尔·卡丹去世

    20-12-31 Legendary French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98, Frances Fine Arts Academy announced on Tuesday in a statement on Twitter. 法兰西艺术院周二(12月29日)在推特发布声明表示,法国传奇时装设计师皮尔卡丹去世,终年98岁。 The Perpe...

  • 易混动词make和do

    20-12-05 1. She is going to _______ an attempt to compete in the next Olympics. a) making b) do c) make d) doing 2. I think hes _______ the right decision to not spend all his savings on that motorbike. a) done b) made c) doing d) make 3. Thank you very much...

  • stick your nose in where it's not wanted 打探不相干的事

    20-12-03 短语 stick your nose in where its not wanted 用 把鼻子伸到不该伸的地方 来形容某人四处探听,打问不相干的事情;或掺和、干预别人的事情。 你也可以用 stick your nose in someone elses business 来表达相同的意思。 例句 Randolph and Marguerite are extremely...

  • one integrated license 一业一证

    20-11-29 国务院近日批复同意上海市浦东新区开展一业一证改革试点,试点期为自批复之日起至2022年底。国务院表示,一业一证可大幅降低行业准入成本,打造国际一流的营商环境,为在全国范围推广类似举措积累经验。 The State Council has given the nod to a pilot one integrate...

  • innovative development of foreign trade 外贸创新发展

    20-11-13 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于推进对外贸易创新发展的实施意见》,提出创新方式开拓国际市...