• 姓氏可能影响职业选择

    11-12-25 A persons surname can influence their choice of career, experts believe. 专家认为,一个人的姓氏会对其职业选择产生影响。 Scientists are exploring the theory that people are drawn to certain trades and professions based on the connotations(内涵) of...

  • 自私自利似乎有利于事业发展

    11-10-16 It's not likely to win you any popularity contests, but it seems being selfish at work can be good for your career. 自私自利也许不能让你受到众人的欢迎,但在职场中似乎自私一些对你的事业发展有好处。 New research has found that those with more selfless...

  • 《情人节》五

    11-08-16 影片对白 Reed: Carmine, relax. It's me. Hey. Morley: Reed. Reed: What are you doing here? Are you okay? Is it--? Morley: I'm sorry. I love you. But I'm just not ready for this kind of commitment. And I didn't know that this morning. Reed: No, it's o...

  • 拍老板的马屁可同获晋升与健康

    11-06-10 Savvy(悟性,理解能力) career minded individuals have known for some time that ingratiating oneself to the boss and others perhaps more commonly known as 'sucking up' can help move them up the corporate ladder more quickly. However, a recent study...

  • 各国升职最佳时节大调查

    11-01-30 If you are looking to boost your career and get a promotion, January is the best month of the year in many countries to get it. 你想推进你的事业,获得升职吗?在很多国家,一月份都是升职的最佳时节。 An analysis of data on the professional networking s...

  • career bottleneck 职业瓶颈

    10-09-26 最近的一项调查发现,中国的职业女性不仅渴求经济上的独立,同时也在寻找工作带来的成就感和满足感。尽管女性的地位在稳步提高,但是有66%的职业女性认为,在职业发展上女性依然受到歧视。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Women have come to a career bottleneck , Yang La...

  • 研究:妇女受教育程度可影响到其医疗保险水平

    10-06-18 Attention college grads: Your degree may be the key to both a career and better health coverage. According to a new study of women's health insurance from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, women without a high school diploma were nearly fo...

  • 双职家庭中妻子事业仍处于次要地位

    10-04-10 Women might be on a more even footing at work but at home their careers tend to take a backseat to their husband's job with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S. study. 美国一项研究显示,如今女性在职场中的地...

  • 美多数女性认为自己能兼顾工作和生活

    10-01-23 Most young women believe they will achieve a balance between a rewarding career and a fulfilling personal life, despite the economic upheaval and a legacy of corporate culture that favors men, a survey shows. 一项调查显示,尽管经济形势动荡,企业文化...

  • 棒球明星马克·麦奎尔承认服用类固醇

    10-01-12 Retired US baseball star Mark McGwire has admitted using steroids during his career, including when he broke the sport's home run record in 1998. 美国退役棒球明星马克麦奎尔承认在自己的职业生涯中使用类固醇,包括打破1998年全垒打记录的时候。 Mr McGwire...