• 尹相杰非法持有毒品被判7个月监禁

    15-03-02 Famous Chinese singer Yin Xiangjie has been sentenced to 7 months in prison and fined 2000 yuan for illegal drug possession. 中国著名歌手尹相杰因非法持有毒品罪被判处7个月监禁并罚款两千元。 Singer Yin Xiangjie stands at the first trial where he was c...

  • 美国公司研发出可消除下巴赘肉的注射药物

    15-01-30 A U.S. company claims to have invented an injection which can banish that chin bulge. 一家美国公司宣称已经研发出一种可以消除下巴赘肉的注射药物。 ATX-101, an experimental drug made by California-based Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, is injected into the...

  • 房祖名涉毒案将于本周五公开审理

    15-01-06 Jaycee Chan, son of Chinese kung fu star Jackie Chan, will be tried in public on Friday for a drug-related crime, the Dongcheng District People's Court in Beijing announced Tuesday. 北京东城区人民法院周二宣布,功夫明星成龙之子房祖名的吸毒案,将于本...

  • 中国大陆与台湾的制药公司寻求合作

    14-11-11 Pharmaceutical companies from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan convened for the first forum on cross-strait industrial cooperation on Monday in Taipei, calling for further ties to boost mutual development. 来自中国大陆与台湾的制药公司周一齐聚台北召开...

  • 美国副总统之子药检呈阳性被海军除名

    14-10-21 The son of Vice President Joe Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy reserve earlier this year after testing positive for cocaine, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday. 据知情人士10月16日透露,美国副总统乔拜登之子因可卡因药检呈阳性,于...

  • 纳米粒子穿透皮肤给药

    14-10-10 Scientists at the University of Southampton have identified key characteristics that enhance a nanoparticle's ability to penetrate skin, in a milestone study which could have major implications for the delivery of drugs. Nanoparticles are up to 100,...

  • 与毒品有关的词语

    14-09-15 MDMA摇头丸 cocaine可卡因 marijuana大麻 opium鸦片 heroin海洛因 morphia 吗啡 amphetamine 安非他明 pep pill 兴奋剂 ice (methamphetamine hydrochloride)冰毒 drug trafficker/dealer毒贩 drug mules毒骡(充当运输毒品工具的人) drug addiction 毒瘾 drug addi...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 4

    14-09-05 The effect of this particular conclusion was to cause Clyde to think harder than ever about himself. And theprincipal result of his thinking was that he must do something for himself and soon. Up to this time the best hehad been able to do was to wo...

  • The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban

    14-08-07 In the country of Zouman, in Persia, there lived a Greek king. This king was a leper(麻风病患者) , and all his doctors had been unable to cure him, when a very clever physician came to his court. He was very learned in all languages, and knew a gr...

  • 阿司匹林能降低胃癌肠癌死亡率

    14-08-06 Taking aspirin every day can reduce the chance of developing or dying from bowel and stomach cancers, a review of all available evidence suggests. 已有的所有证据都表明,每天服用阿司匹林可以降低肠癌和胃癌感染率或死亡率。 And scientists predict if eve...