• 我国5月出口增速明显回升 同比增长15.3%

    22-06-13 海关总署的最新数据显示,我国5月出口增速明显回升,同比增长15.3%,专家认为这凸显出我国外贸的韧性。随着一揽子稳经济政策措施落地见效,我国外贸进出口在未来数月有望继续保持稳定增长势头。 Chinas exports rebounded vigorously in May, highlighting the nations...

  • 新能源汽车销量逆势上涨

    22-04-08 在面临疫情、原材料价格上涨等多重挑战的情况下,今年开年国内新能源汽车的销量却迎来了逆势上涨,包括理想汽车、小鹏汽车、蔚来汽车在内的多家电动汽车企业三月交付量都大幅增长,展现出强劲的消费动能。 Leading Chinese electric vehicle startups have seen strong...

  • 金融业成世界上最无聊的行业

    22-03-30 英国埃塞克斯大学的研究人员做了一项研究,试图找出全球最无聊的职业和爱好。这项研究由该大学心理学系高级讲师维南德范蒂尔伯格博士领导,对全球 500 多人进行了5项调查,结果发现最无聊的职业包括数据分析、会计、保洁和银行职员等,而睡觉、看电视、数学等都是排名...

  • 减少施工浪费 循环利用托盘

    22-02-23 Wherever you see building works, youre likely to spot these: wooden pallets. 不论是哪里的建筑工程,都不乏有这些木制托盘的影子。 And here is why they are useful. They allow bulky items to be easily transported. The UK construction industry gets throu...

  • 努力 上

    22-02-22 1、hardworking adj.努力的 这个应该是最常见的了,它来自词组work hard(努力工作),加上了ing就成了形容词,意思就是努力工作的;勤奋的。 I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit. 我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的劲儿。 2、industrious adj.勤勉的...

  • 2021全年钢产量如期下降

    22-01-22 压减粗钢产量是落实我国碳达峰碳中和目标任务(to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals)的重要举措。2021年,粗钢压减工作成效如何? The country produced an estimate of 1.03 billion tonnes of steel last year, down 35 million tonnes from 202...

  • 2021年全年钢产量为10.3亿吨

    22-01-12 压减粗钢产量是落实我国碳达峰碳中和目标任务(to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals)的重要举措。2021年,粗钢压减工作成效如何? The country produced an estimate of 1.03 billion tonnes of steel last year, down 35 million tonnes from 202...

  • 网约车平台应合理设定抽成比例上限

    21-12-03 近日,交通运输部、中央宣传部、中央网信办、国家发展改革委、公安部、人力资源社会保障部、国家市场监督管理总局、中华全国总工会联合印发《关于加强交通运输新业态从业人员权益保障工作的意见》。 The guideline said ride-hailing companies must inform drivers of...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 42

    21-10-15 1. The leading ___ state in the United States is Wisconsin. A wheat B rice C dairy D maize 2. The city of ___, which was formerly known as Port Jackson, is the place of the earliest colonial settlement in Australia. A Melbourne B Sydney C Perth D Da...

  • 美国概况 4

    21-10-09 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...