• 中国网络教育市场蓬勃发展

    17-11-23 In 2016 revenue from online education reached 156.02 billion yuan in China, a growth of 27.3%. This is according to data by iResearch. 艾瑞咨询公布的数据显示,2016年中国网络教育收入达到1560.2亿元人民币,增幅27.3%。 The research projects that with th...

  • 腾讯市值进入全球前五

    17-11-22 The market value of Chinese mainland tech giant Tencent has reached about 4.15 trillion HK dollars (around 523 billion USD), surpassing Facebook to become the fifth most valuable company in the world in terms of market value, the company is reportin...

  • 小米将向印度投资10亿美元

    17-11-21 Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is planning to invest 1 billion US dollars in 100 companies in India within five years, according to an interview with Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi, conducted by Livemint on Monday. 小米创始人兼CEO雷军周一表示,...

  • 小米产品将在欧洲开售

    17-11-09 Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi launches sales of its phones in Europe for the first time on Saturday. 中国电子产品巨头小米将于本周六首次在欧洲销售旗下手机。 Xiaomi is currently the 5th largest smartphone maker in the world, despite not having laun...

  • 中国销量增加助马自达利润增长

    17-11-06 Japanese auto manufacturer Mazda has revealed a healthy boost in profits, helped by growth in China. 在中国地区销量增加促使日本汽车制造商马自达利润增加。 The company reported close to a 2 percent rise in operating profit for the second quarter, when...

  • 智能手机市场被国产品牌占领

    17-07-28 Chinas domestic brands - Huawei, OPPO, Vivo, and Xiaomi occupied the first four places, pushing Apple into the fifth position. 中国国产品牌华为、OPPO、Vivo以及小米占据手机销量排行榜前四名位置,将苹果退至第五。 According to figures from the Singapore...

  • 东方航空收购法航荷航10%股份

    17-07-28 China Eastern Airlines announced Friday it will invest 375 million euros (438 million U.S. dollars) to purchase a 10-percent stake of the European carrier Air France KLM to expand its European market. 中国东方航空公司周五宣布,将花3.75亿欧元(4.38亿...

  • 宜家将于中国第三方电商合作

    17-07-24 Swedish furniture retailer IKEA plans to team up with a third party e-commerce site starting in 2018, aiming to increase sales in the Chinese market. 瑞典家具零售商宜家计划自2018年期与第三方电商网站合作,增加在中国市场的销量。 IKEA has opened up onl...

  • 2017中国金融市场将更市场化

    17-07-07 The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, said Thursday that the financial market will focus on market-oriented reforms this year. 中国人民银行周四表示,今年的金融市场将着眼于以市场为导向的改革。 Market-based interest rate reform will be f...

  • 中国公布共享单车行业标准

    17-07-06 A set of industry standards were released Wednesday to regulate Chinas booming bike-sharing industry. 本周三,中国公布一套规范共享单车市场的行业标准。 Shanghai and Tianjin have drafted regulations to take effect on Oct. 1, after taking advice from b...