• Boston marriage 波士顿婚姻

    22-10-12 在历史语境下Boston marriage用于指两位女性共同生活的关系,尤其是带有亲密关系的女性。这种生活安排是19世纪晚期美国富有未婚女性中认可的一种文化现象。在Henry James的小说The Bostonians (1886)中对于这种关系的描述可能催生了Boston marriage的描述,亦或是Bosto...

  • retie a loose marriage knot 破镜重圆

    22-08-24 破镜重圆,汉语成语,比喻夫妻决裂后重新和好。可以翻译为retie a loose marriage knot,reunion of a couple after separation等。 例句: 他们离婚后不久又破镜重圆。 They remarried each other again not long after their divorce....

  • 《离婚律师》死对头语录

    22-08-17 1. I believe in love and I also believe that love will die. In my eyes, nothing in the world can be achieved only through marriage, but the most precious affection between two individuals does grow out of marriage. 我相信爱情,也相信爱情会死,在我看...

  • 22-04-15 Anger 怒 Liang Shih-chiu 梁实秋 A person looks his ugliest when angry. In anger, a face that is normally as beautiful as a lotus blossom will tun livid and pale, even ashen. This, plus the contorted muscles on his face, his staring eyes and bristlin...

  • pick-up artist 泡良族

    22-04-07 Its said that the movie The Bridges of Madison County presents a richly-textured emotional tapestry. However, in some sense, the male protagonist the National Geographic photographer Robert Kincaid who has won the lonely heart of a married country h...

  • what is done cannot be undone 覆水难收

    22-03-23 覆水难收是一个汉语成语,覆指pour, 水是water, 难表示hard to do or difficult, 收指retrieve。 覆水难收字面意思指倒在地上的水难以收回(spilled water cannot be gathered up again),常用来比喻事情已成定局、难以挽回,可以翻译为What is done cannot be undone...

  • be full of ups and downs 一波三折

    22-03-04 一波三折,汉语成语,原指写字的笔法曲折多变,现比喻事情进行中意外的变化很多。可以翻译为be full of ups and downs,strike one snag after another或be full of twists and turns等。 例句: 谈判一波三折。 The negotiation were interspersed with problems. 我...

  • hold your horses 别着急

    21-12-28 这个短语是用来告诉别人应该停下来仔细考虑他们对某件事情的看法或意见。 例句 Hold your horses! Youve only known her for a week. Its way too soon to think about marriage! Hold your horses! You shouldnt quit your job just because youve had one bad day. T...

  • 疫情改变了人们对伴侣的需求

    21-11-23 疫情改变了人们的卫生习惯,改变了人们的聚会方式,甚至还改变了人们对伴侣的需求。美国的一项研究发现,受疫情影响,单身人士不再那么看重颜值,而是更看重情感关系的稳定性。 The largest annual scientific study on single adults shows that COVID-19 has caused...

  • to toy with somebody 对一个人的感情不认真

    21-08-19 短语 to toy with somebody 表示对一个人的感情不认真、不看重,说得重一些就是玩弄某人的感情。 例句 Peter has been going out with Mary for five years but he never talks about marriage. He is just toying with her feelings. I have been working really hard...