• 20多岁的人应该知道的事

    16-04-09 1. Speak up more. As the saying goes, its the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. You are your one and only true advocate, so never be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your mind, because regrets a b****. 2. Know when to walk away. Many read...

  • 吴奇隆与刘诗诗晒婚纱照

    16-03-10 Actor Wu Qilong and actress Liu Shishi unveiled a series of pre-wedding photos today through their management agency. 吴奇隆与刘诗诗对外公开了一些婚纱照。 In the photos, the 45-year-old Wu and 28-year-old Liu are wearing dreamy attire, and posing at...

  • The same service 同样的服务

    16-03-03 A man who had been married for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor. When I was first married, I was very happy, I'd come home from a hard day down at the shop, and my little dog would race around barking, and my wife would bring me my slip...

  • 默多克将与演员兼模特杰莉·霍尔结婚

    16-01-13 Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and actress-model Jerry Hall are to get married. 媒体大亨鲁珀特默多克将与演员兼模特杰莉霍尔结婚。 They announced their engagement in the births, marriages and deaths section of the Times newspaper, which is owned by Mr Mur...

  • 西雅图创业公司因投资离婚而上新闻

    15-12-25 A Seattle startup is in the news for investing in divorce its business model is based on the fact that nearly 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the US end up parting ways. SwanLuv offers to pay couples for their dream wedding, but the money wil...

  • 美国“圣诞老人和圣诞婆婆”领证结婚

    15-12-24 After hundreds of years, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus are making it official - they are getting married and making it legal. 数百年下来,圣诞公公和圣诞婆婆终于决定把事儿给办了:正式结婚。 But first they needed a marriage license. So York County native...

  • divorce coach 离婚指导师

    15-12-08 Divorce coaches is a new industry dedicated to helping husbands or wives navigate their way out of marriage. 离婚指导师是一个致力于帮助丈夫或妻子走出婚姻的新行业。 Karen McMahon, a divorce coach in New York, says: Coaching is in its infancy and divo...

  • 婚姻问题使女人伤心男人受挫

    15-10-30 Husbands and wives married for a long time don't look at marital problems in the same way. When a marriage has troubles, women worry. They become sad. They get frustrated. For men, it's sheer frustration and not much more. In a new Rutgers and Unive...

  • 要想婚姻变得稳固 多说“谢谢你”

    15-10-28 Researchers say there's one simple way to fix your marriage; say 'thank you' to your partner. 研究人员指出,要想使婚姻关系变得稳固,最简单的一个方法就是对伴侣说谢谢你。 A new study has found gratitude and believing that your partner values you, dire...

  • 阿根廷年轻人喜欢花钱参加婚礼主题聚会

    15-10-23 Although most young Argentinians aren't even thinking about marriage these days, they seem quite fond of wedding ceremonies. So they've come up with a bizarre party trend of fake weddings, where groups of 20- and 30-somethings get together to attend...