• marriage of convenience 形式婚姻

    14-03-27 A marriage of convenience is a marriage contracted for reasons other than the reasons of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose, such as political marriage. I...

  • 同性恋可能存在遗传基因

    14-03-02 In the last two decades, dozens of scientific papers have been published on the biological origins of homosexuality - another announcement was made last week. It's becoming scientific orthodoxy. But how does it fit with Darwin's theory of evolution?...

  • 幸福婚姻的几个必备要素

    14-02-16 一项美国研究揭示,幸福婚姻的秘诀就是每周亲吻10次,每周说10次我爱你,每个月至少约会三次。有三个共同的兴趣爱好、每年出去度假两次也是幸福婚姻的必备要素。 The secret to a happy marriage is kissing and saying 'I love you' 10 times a week and going on thr...

  • 弗吉尼亚州同性恋婚姻禁令被推翻

    14-02-14 A US federal judge in Virginia has ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. 美国弗吉尼亚州一位联邦法官做出裁决,该州禁止同性婚姻的做法是违反宪法的。 It is the first time that a southern state has had a voter-approved proh...

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季经典台词

    14-02-14 I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。 The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege. 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我...

  • 瓦莱丽欲向奥朗德索要分手费

    14-02-07 FRANCOIS Hollande had hoped to draw a line under the scandal plunging his presidency into farce when he phoned the French state news agency to announce his separation from Valerie Trierweiler. 弗朗索瓦奥朗德本希望通过法国国家通讯社电话宣布他和瓦莱丽...

  • 英国女子离奇起诉帮自己离婚的律师

    14-01-25 据外媒1月14日报道,日前,英国女子简马尔卡希试图起诉律师,称他们在办理自己的离婚案时没有告诉她离婚将导致她的婚姻不可避免地结束。 I'll give you a chance to re-read the headline, because it doesn't seem probable: Woman tries to sue attorney because the...

  • 结婚可能不会帮助未婚妈妈脱贫

    14-01-13 The government policy that promotes marriage among single mothers as a key part of the effort to fight poverty has missed the mark, according to one leading researcher. 一位研究主管称,政府制定了政策,想要通过促成未婚妈妈结婚来帮助她们脱贫。但是,这...

  • gayriage 同性婚姻

    13-12-10 Gayriage refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get 'married', it is a gayriage, while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage. Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。两个男人结婚,这种婚姻就叫gayriage,而两个女人...

  • Hans Married

    13-11-18 There was once upon a time a young peasant named Hans, whose uncle wanted to find him a rich wife. He therefore seated Hans behind the stove, and had it made very hot. Then he fetched a pot of milk and plenty of white bread, gave him a bright newly-...