• 婚姻箴言3

    12-12-04 Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. (Henry Youngman) 有人问我和我老婆婚姻长久的秘诀:我们俩口...

  • 大学生对婚姻比其父亲更加渴望

    12-11-29 Reaching adulthood certainly takes longer than it did a generation ago, but new research shows one way that parents are contributing to the delay. A national study found that college students think 25 years old is the right age to get married, while...

  • 美国三州选民投票认可同性婚姻

    12-11-11 Voters in Maryland, Maine and Washington state approved same-sex marriage on Tuesday, marking the first time marriage rights have been extended to same-sex couples by popular vote. 美国马里兰州、缅因州、和华盛顿州的选民本周二投票认可了同性婚姻合法化...

  • 法国政府将商讨同性恋婚姻问题

    12-11-07 Plans to legalise same-sex marriage and allow gay couples to adopt are to be discussed at a meeting of the French Socialist government. 法国社会党政府将要开会讨论同性婚姻合法化以及允许同性恋伴侣收养孩子。 France already allows civil unions between s...

  • 婚姻不幸福的人易患心脏病

    12-09-11 Study ties marital strife(冲突,争吵) , heart disease a lousy marriage might literally make you sick. Marital strife and other bad personal relationships can raise your risk for heart disease, researchers reported Monday. A lousy marriage might li...

  • Life Together

    12-08-14 One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office. Apparently, they are there to file a divorce. Lawyer was very puzzled, after having a chat with them, he got their story. This couple had been quarreling all their 40 ov...

  • 不能改天的约会

    12-06-14 After 21 years of marriage, I discovered a new way of keeping alive the spark of love. I started to go out with another woman. It was really my wife's idea. I know that you love her, she said one day, taking me by surprise. But I love YOU, I protest...

  • 《爱情与灵药》四

    12-06-06 精彩对白 Bruce: Your problem is you don't know how to close! You gotta tell the docs what they need. Somebody says no, that's when the fun starts. That means you are in. Jamie: My numbers are up. Bruce: Your Zithromax is up. Big deal . We're not goi...

  • 奥巴马支持同性恋婚姻引争议

    12-05-11 Barack Obama has been both praised and criticised a day after he became the first sitting US president to publicly support gay marriage. 奥巴马成为美国首位在位的公开支持同性恋婚姻的总统,为此他同时遭到了赞扬与批评。 Social conservatives and religiou...

  • 北卡罗来纳州通过反同性恋婚姻法

    12-05-09 Initial results show North Carolina has approved a constitutional amendment effectively banning same-sex marriage or civil unions. 初步点票结果显示,北卡罗来纳州已经通过一项宪法修正案以禁止同性恋婚姻或联合会。 The issue raised voter turnout on an ot...