• The Realm Of The Unreal 4

    12-01-11 'What is all this nonsense, you devil?' I demanded, fiercely enough, though weak and trembling in every limb. 'It is what some are pleased to call jugglery(戏法,杂耍) ,' he answered, with a light, hard laugh. He turned down Dupont Street and I sa...

  • Facebook成离婚一大主因

    12-01-08 Facebook is becoming a major factor in marriage breakdowns and is increasingly being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases, according to lawyers. 据律师透露,Facebook正日益成为婚姻破裂的一大主因,而且越来越多地在离婚案件中被用作证据来源。 Th...

  • 英国近半数成年人未婚

    11-12-03 英国国家统计局(ONS)最新公布的数据显示,在英国成年人口中,已婚人士首次不足半数,占成年人口总数的48.4%。 Less than half of the adult population is now married, figures confirmed for the first time yesterday. The watershed(流域,分水岭) for marriag...

  • 好莱坞女星摩尔宣布与丈夫库彻离婚

    11-11-26 Demi Moore has announced she is ending her six year marriage to Ashton Kutcher. 黛米摩尔近日宣布,与艾什顿库彻六年的婚姻生活将划上句号。 Demi Moore has filed for divorce from Ashton Kutcher, pictured together here at the January premiere of his movi...

  • 三“十二”或成为另一结婚高潮日

    11-11-19 Its taken an exact year of planning for the staff at Chapel of the Flowers to prepare for the extraordinary onslaught of Fridays 11/11/11 wedding ceremonies. The first service is set for 8 am, and they will run nonstop for 15 hours in three chapels...

  • Challenges to a Lasting Relationship

    11-11-10 People who are married or in committed relationships are healthier, wealthier, and happier. So why do more than 60 percent of marriages end in divorce? Why has the national divorce rate climbed more than 200 percent in the last thirty years? And why...

  • 《其实你不懂他的心》三

    11-10-18 影片对白 Neil: Hey. That look straight to you? Beth: Why are you hanging that? Neil: Because you asked me to about three weeks ago. I'm getting around to it. Why? You don't want it here? Beth: No, I love it there. But just stop. Neil: Why? Is it the...

  • 佩林私生活被曝光 政治前途毁于一旦

    11-09-25 Sarah Palin could be set to lose both her marriage and her political career after the release of the explosive biography on the Tea Party darling. 茶党女王萨拉佩林或许怎么也没想到,自己的婚姻和政治前途会被一本传记断送,这本书曝光了佩林的诸多丑闻。 T...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 20

    11-08-19 MR. COLLINS was not left long to the silent contemplation(沉思,注视) of his successful love; for Mrs. Bennet, having dawdled about in the vestibule(前厅) to watch for the end of the conference, no sooner saw Elizabeth open the door and with qui...

  • 施瓦辛格戏称从前妻手中逃生

    11-08-15 He has taken on cyborgs,Martians and Danny DeVito, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially survived Maria. 他曾出演电子人、火星人,还曾与丹尼德维托搭档,而现在,阿诺德施瓦辛格居然公开宣称他从玛利亚手中逃生了。 File photo of the T-shirt. He has take...