• “星爵”与施瓦辛格女儿凯瑟琳订婚

    19-01-15 A whirlwind romance is leading to an engagement for actor Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger. 克里斯帕拉特与凯瑟琳施瓦辛格闪电式恋爱随即订婚。 Pratt posted a photo of his 29-year-old partner sporting an engagement ring on Instagram Monday. He...

  • 江苏:已登记夫妻可在支付宝领电子结婚证

    18-09-29 Starting on Friday, couples in east Chinas Jiangsu Province can apply for a digital copy of their marriage certificate on Alipay using a mini program launched by the Jiangsu Provincial government. 本周五开始,江苏省的夫妻们可以在支付宝上用江苏省政府...

  • 中国开通公民国内外婚姻信息共享服务

    18-05-21 The central government has enabled information sharing of marriages registered both in China and abroad in its latest effort to improve the accuracy of verifying citizens marital status and effectively prevent bigamy. 中国政府已经启用国内外婚姻登记...

  • 英国开始推行网上离婚系统

    18-05-13 Breaking up is never easy, as Abba sang, but the Ministry of Justice is so pleased with its online divorce pilot that it has launched the scheme nationwide this month. 就像阿巴乐队唱的那样,分手从来都不是件容易的事,但英国司法部对试运行的网上离婚系...

  • 研究:不漂亮的女性更可能不忠

    18-03-04 A new study suggests it is the less attractive ladies who are responsible for the greatest heartache. 一项新研究指出,最难守住的其实是不漂亮的女人。 When US researchers followed more than 200 married couples for three-and-a-half years, they discover...

  • 中国人早婚越来越少

    18-01-12 More and more young people in China are choosing to postpone marriage, according to a report by Chinanews.com. 中国新闻网报道,中国越来越多的年轻人选择推迟婚期。 This trend reflects a change to the countrys traditional notions of marriage, which adv...

  • 澳洲将投票决定同性恋婚姻合法化

    16-08-22 Australians will head to the polls in February 2017 to vote on whether they want same-sex marriage legalized. 澳大利亚将于2017年2月投票决定同性恋婚姻是否合法。 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is expected to inform members of the Liberal National Par...

  • 丈夫最不想听到的话

    16-07-25 1. Nevermind, Ill just do it myself. Marriage pro tip: When you ask your spouse to call the plumber to fix the sink, give him a chance to do it. Rolling your eyes and saying, nevermind, Ill do it myself may result in you getting your sink fixed soon...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 1

    16-05-05 Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her. She was t...

  • 恋爱关系中有些话还是不说为好

    16-05-02 1. You never do the dishes. You always just leave them sitting there. The dishes are a placeholder for pretty much anything here. Whatever the issue, using accusatory blanket terms like never and always tends to end the same way every time: with you...