• 塑料包装行业趋向生物化

    12-12-05 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a technique to significantly improve the quality of bio-based plastic packaging. The new generation of bio-based plastic packaging is not only eco-friendly but also has several superior qualitie...

  • 太平洋西北部海域塑料污染已相当严重

    12-07-05 Plastic pollution off the northwest coast of North America is reaching the level of the notoriously polluted North Sea, according to a new study led by a researcher at the University of British Columbia. The study, published online in the journal Ma...

  • 北太平洋海域的塑料垃圾大幅增长

    12-05-09 The quantity of small plastic fragments floating in the north-east Pacific Ocean has increased a hundred fold over the past 40 years. 太平洋东北部海域上漂浮的小塑料片的数量在过去40年间增 加了100倍。 The Scripps team trawled the surface of the ocean...

  • 塑料垃圾改变了海洋生物的栖息环境

    12-05-09 A 100-fold upsurge in human-produced plastic garbage in the ocean is altering habitats in the marine environment, according to a new study led by a graduate student researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. In 2009 an ambiti...

  • 风将塑料垃圾推向海洋深处

    12-04-26 While working on a research sailboat gliding over glassy seas in the Pacific Ocean, oceanographer Giora Proskurowski noticed something new: The water was littered with confetti(五彩纸屑) -size pieces of plastic debris, until the moment the wind pi...

  • 加拿大发行新版百元塑料货币

    11-11-19 本周一,加拿大央行发行了新版百元面值的塑料货币。这版塑料钱利用高科技全息元件和金属条等技术制成,具有可循环、难损坏、难仿造等特点。 Canada's new plastic $100 bill features holographic elements and a metallic strip running through a transparent window...

  • 纸质地膜可能将取代塑料地膜

    10-12-29 Polyethylene(聚乙烯) mulches(覆盖物) , used widely in commercial vegetable production to improve crop yields and produce quality, have distinct disadvantages. Disposal options are limited, and plastic mulches often end up in landfills, being bur...

  • 欧盟禁止奶瓶材料中使用丙二酚

    10-11-26 The European Commission has announced a ban on the use of Bisphenol-A (BPA) in plastic baby bottles. 欧盟委员会宣布禁止在儿童塑料奶瓶中使用丙二酚材料。 The commission cited fears that the compound could affect development and immune response in youn...

  • 牛奶蛋白与黏土中提取生物降解发泡塑料

    10-10-21 Amid ongoing concern about plastic waste accumulating in municipal(市政的) landfills, and reliance on(依靠,信赖) imported oil to make plastics, scientists are reporting development of a new ultra-light biodegradable foam plastic material made f...

  • Firth criticises 'plastic' actors Firth批判整形演员

    09-09-09 Colin Firth says it is a disaster for actors to have Botox injections and plastic surgery. Colin Firth称注射内毒素和整形手术对演员来说是灾难性的。 Firth is currently starring in Dorian Gray The Mamma Mia! star said it was catastrophic(悲惨的,灾难...