• 全球电脑销量连续五季下跌

    13-07-11 Global personal computer (PC) sales have fallen for the fifth quarter in a row, making it the longest duration of decline in history. 全球个人电脑销量连续第五季度下滑,造成史上最长的下跌周期。 Worldwide PC shipments totalled 76 million units in the...

  • Coopetition 合作竞争

    13-06-15 Coopetition (or co-opetition) is the result when two competing companies with overlapping products or technology find it beneficial to work together ultimately increasing sales for both companies. 合作竞争(coopetition或co-opetition)指两家经营同类...

  • 世界卫生组织呼吁全面禁止烟草广告

    13-06-02 5月31日是世界无烟日,世界卫生组织呼吁各国全面禁止各类烟草广告、赞助及推广活动,以帮助减少吸烟人数,尤其是预防年轻人成为新的烟民。 The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday called for a comprehensive ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion an...

  • 坏天气影响英国零售业销售

    13-05-22 Retail sales in April were 1.3% lower than in March as bad weather continued to dent spending. 英国四月零售贸易额比三月下降1.3%,因坏天气影响了消费者购物。 The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also said retail sales volumes last month were 0.5%...

  • 欧洲经济形势导致沃达丰销售额下滑

    13-05-21 Mobile giant Vodafone's full-year sales have slipped for the first time in eight years after tough economic conditions in Europe hit revenues. 受欧洲严峻经济形势的影响,移动运营商巨头沃达丰全年销售额八年来首次下滑。 Annual revenues fell 4.4% to 44.4...

  • 美国拟向网络零售商征消费税

    13-05-10 本周一,美国参议院以69票支持、27票反对的结果通过了有关征收网购消费税的法案。该法案名为《市场公平法案》,若获众议院投票通过并由总统签署生效,包括哥伦比亚特区在内的45个州将对本州内销售额100万美元以上的网络零售商征收消费税。 The US Senate approved a lo...

  • 三星智能手机盈利猛增

    13-04-27 Samsung Electronics has posted a record quarterly profit, boosted mainly by growing sales of its smartphones. 三星宣布其季度性盈利创下新纪录,得益于智能手机销量的增长。 It made a net profit of 7.15tn won ($6.4bn; 4.2bn) during the period, up from 5....

  • 欧洲汽车销售量持续下降

    13-04-17 Car registrations across Europe were 10.3% lower in March from a year earlier, the 18th consecutive month of falls. 三月份欧洲汽车登记数量下降10.3%,这已经是连续18个月下降。 The figures, from the Association of European Carmakers (Acea) showed most...

  • 2012年大众汽车销量创新高

    13-01-15 Volkswagen says its group sales hit a record high last year despite slowing sales in Western Europe. 大众汽车称,尽管在西欧销售不景气,其公司在2012年销售额创下新高。 The German carmaker sold 9.07 million cars last year, up 11% from 2011. Sales in No...

  • 2012保时捷汽车销量破纪录

    12-12-13 German luxury carmaker Porsche has said it has already beaten its annual record for most cars sold. 德国豪华汽车制造商保时捷称,今年年度汽车销量破纪录。 Porsche showed off its new Cayman at the LA motor show last month It sold 128,978 cars worldwide...