• 中兴开设欧洲首个网络安全实验室

    19-05-23 Chinese technology firm ZTE opened its first European cybersecurity lab in Rome on Tuesday. 中国科技公司中兴周二在罗马开设欧洲首个网络安全实验室。 The lab aims to provide global customers, regulators and other stakeholders with security assessment a...

  • 梅姨允许华为建造部分5G网络

    19-04-24 British Prime Minister Theresa May has given the green light to Huawei, a Chinese telecom giant, to help build Britains new 5G network, a major British newspaper reported Tuesday night. 英国一家大型报社周二晚间报道,首相特雷莎梅对华为帮助打造5G网络...

  • 华为对欧盟的5G安全建议表示欢迎

    19-03-28 Chinese technology firm Huaweis chief representative to the European Union (EU) said on Tuesday that it welcomes the objective approach of the European Commissions recommendation on 5G security. 中国科技公司华为驻欧盟办事处首席代表周二表示,华为对欧...

  • 创可贴警犬走红网络

    18-11-23 A police dog named Buffalo has become an internet sensation after a photo of him with a band-aid on the face was posted on Weibo. 微博上一条名为巴法罗、脸上贴着创可贴的警犬走红网络。 The eight-year-old Rottweiler currently serves in the Beijing poli...

  • 中国军方将参加俄罗斯军事演习

    18-08-21 The Chinese military will take part in the Vostok-2018 (or East-2018) strategic drills in Russia from late August to mid-September, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced on Monday. 8月下旬至9月中旬,中国军队将参加俄罗斯沃斯托克-2018(东...

  • 英特尔证实某些芯片存在安全漏洞

    18-08-15 Top U.S. chipmaker Intel Corp. on Tuesday confirmed that three more severe security flaws were found in some of its microprocessors that could pose potential risks of illegal data access from computer memory. 美国芯片制造商英特尔周二证实,某些微处理...

  • 新式安检扫描器或将投入机场使用

    18-07-11 China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, the countrys largest missile maker, developed what engineers say is the most advanced security screening instrument in the nation - the so-called 3D millimeter wave scanner. 中国航天科工集团研发出一款据工程...

  • 金正恩同意用安全换取半岛无核化

    18-06-12 Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), agreed Tuesday with U.S. President Donald Trump to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for security guarantees. 朝鲜最高领导人金正恩与美国总统特朗...

  • 上海合作成员国要加强政治互信

    18-05-23 Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi on Tuesday called on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries to enhance political mutual trust and jointly safeguard regional stability and development. 中国国务委员、...

  • 中国首张电子社保卡已签发

    18-04-23 The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has issued Chinas first nationally-unified digital social security card at the ongoing Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. 在福建福州召开的数字中国建设峰会上,人力资源和社会保障部签发...