• Hello Kitty330万客户资料面临泄露风险

    16-01-02 A database for Sanrio, the Japanese owner of the Hello Kitty brand, was breached, putting 3.3 million of its users' data at risk, according to security website CSOonline.com's report. 网络安全信息网站CSOOnline.com的一份报告显示,日本三丽鸥公司(Sanr...

  • cyber security law 网络安全法

    15-07-21 The top legislature released a draft cyber security law and began soliciting public opinion this week. 全国人大本周公布了网络安全法草案,并开始征求公众意见。 2015年6月,十二届全国人大常委会第十五次会议初次审议了网络安全法(cyber security law)草案,...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 54

    15-06-15 And then I rush back to Dubreuil's room; I am not allowed to approach his bedside. But why? I demand and am given the reason: the poor man is expiring and is no longer occupied with anyone save his God. However, he exonerates me, he gives assurance...

  • 关注土壤安全

    15-05-11 A group of leading soil scientists, including the University of Delaware's Donald L. Sparks, has summarized the precarious state of the world's soil resources and the possible ramifications for human security in a paper published Thursday, May 7, in...

  • information sovereignty 信息主权

    15-03-26 President Xi Jinping called for respect of all countries information sovereignty on Wednesday, telling the Brazilian congress that there are no double standards in the information sector, and every country has the right to preserve its own informati...

  • 奥巴马公布网络安全立法建议

    15-01-14 U.S. President Barack Obama has unveiled a cyber security proposal to promote better information sharing between government and the private sector. 美国总统奥巴马公布了一份网络安全提议,以促进政府与私营企业之间更好的信息共享。 President Barack Obama...

  • 中国呼吁乌克兰遵守明斯克协议

    14-11-14 China has called on all parties in Ukraine to stick to the Minsk agreement to ensure the implementation of a ceasefire. 中国呼吁乌克兰各方遵守明斯克协议以确保实现停火。 Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN made the appeal at t...

  • 斯诺登女友首次揭晓

    14-10-24 据报道,爱德华斯诺登女友的下落之谜17日晚在纽约的一个纪录片首映中首次揭晓:自7月份以来,她一直与斯诺登其生活在俄罗斯。 The mystery of the whereabouts of Edward Snowden's long-time girlfriend is solved in a documentary that premiered in New York on Fr...

  • approach to nuclear security 核安全观

    14-09-02 Chinese President Xi Jinping elaborated on his country's approach to nuclear security at the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) on Monday, urging global cooperation for nuclear energy's lasting security and development. 中国国家主席习近平周一在第三...

  • 安卓的性能设计引发安全漏洞

    14-06-20 Georgia Tech researchers have identified a weakness in one of Android's security features and will present their work at Black Hat USA 2014, which will be held August 6-7 in Las Vegas. The research, titled Abusing Performance Optimization Weaknesses...