• 印度将开展食品补贴计划

    13-08-20 The Indian government is to launch a programme to provide subsidised food to two thirds of the population. 印度政府将为国内2/3的人口提供食物补贴。 The food security scheme aims to provide 5kg of cheap grain every month to nearly 800 million poor peo...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁各方努力通过移民改革法案

    13-07-28 Hi, everybody. Two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority of Senators voted to pass commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform, taking an important step towards fixing our broken immigration system once and for all. This bill was a compromise, an...

  • 奥巴马讲话 向为国捐躯的英雄们致敬

    13-06-02 Hi, everybody. This week, I've been speaking about America's national security -- our past, our present, and our future. On Thursday, I outlined the future of our fight against terrorism -- the threats we face, and the way in which we will meet them...

  • 量子通讯有多安全?

    13-05-29 Quantum communication systems offer the promise of virtually unbreakable encryption(加密) . Unlike classical encryption, which is used to send secure data over networks today and whose security depends on the difficulty of solving mathematical pro...

  • 波士顿爆炸案使美国安保级别提升

    13-04-19 波士顿马拉松爆炸案发生之后,美国国内从世贸中心、时报广场,到白宫及各类体育场馆均提高了安保级别,警方增派了重点场所的巡逻警力,并派出反恐小分队参与安保工作。 From the World Trade Center and Times Square in New York to the White House and sports venue...

  • 谷歌允许用户自行处理账户数据

    13-04-19 谷歌将推出一项新功能,允许用户提前决定好自己身故或者停止使用网络后数据信息的处理方式,该功能适用于谷歌电子邮件、社交网站谷歌+以及其他相关账户。 Google will allow users to decide what happens to their data after they die or become inactive online, th...

  • 安卓系统存在安全漏洞

    13-04-18 Popular texting, messaging and microblog apps developed for the Android smartphone have security flaws that could expose private information or allow forged fraudulent(欺骗性的) messages to be posted, according to researchers at the University of...

  • 美国FBI获取电信用户信息违反宪法

    13-03-24 美国一位法官近日裁定美国联邦调查局(FBI)向电信公司发国家安全信函要求获取用户信息的行为违背宪法,要求其停止该行为。 Credo Mobile speaks out after judge orders US government to stop issuing 'national security letters' to access citizens' data. The Ca...

  • carry-on luggage 随身携带行李

    13-01-28 The hijacking means passengers in Shanghai are now more likely to be asked to remove shoes and belts and to open carry-on luggage for thorough searches. 此次劫机事件后,上海机场的乘客们过安检的时候,需要脱鞋、解皮带,打开随身携带行李接受仔细检查的几...

  • electronic passports 电子护照

    13-01-16 China launches electronic passports - Meng Hongwei, vice minister of public security, said at a launching ceremony for the passport that it was designed according to international standards, featuring anti-counterfeiting technology and intelligent c...