• 美国参议院网站遭黑客入侵

    11-06-14 US officials said they have ordered a security review after hackers managed to break into the Senate website at the weekend. 美国参议院的网站在上周末遭黑客入侵,相关官员已下令对此进行安全审评。 An official said the incident had been inconvenient, bu...

  • 东非面临食品安全危机

    11-06-08 The world's worst food security crisis is continuing in the eastern Horn of Africa, a US agency has warned. 一家美国机构警告道,非洲之角东部地区面临世界上最差的食品安全危机。 The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fewsnet) said areas of particula...

  • 索尼网络系统再遭攻击

    11-06-03 A hacker group has claimed it has attacked the Sony network and stolen more than one million passwords, email addresses and other information. 某黑客组织宣称,他们攻击了索尼的网络系统,窃取了100多万用户的密码、邮件和其它信息。 Lulz Security said it...

  • 美国洛克希德马丁公司遭网络攻击

    11-05-30 US defence firm Lockheed Martin says it has come under a significant cyber-attack, which took place last week. 美国防御公司洛克希德马丁称在上周遭受一次严重的网络攻击。 Few details were available, but Lockheed said its security team had detected the...

  • 索尼将恢复PS在线游戏网络

    11-05-16 Sony has announced that it will begin restoring its online PlayStation video game network on Sunday. 索尼公司宣称将于本周日恢复在线PS电子游戏网络。 Sony discovered a breach in the PlayStation Network on 20 April The phased restoration of services wi...

  • 墨西哥塔毛利帕斯州警察局长被免职

    11-04-18 The Mexican state of Tamaulipas has dismissed its head of security following the discovery of 145 bodies in mass graves earlier this month. 墨西哥塔毛利帕斯州在本月早些时候发现一座埋有145具尸体的乱葬岗,该州警察局长因此被免职。 Former army Gen Ubald...

  • 美中情局情报人才流失严重

    11-04-16 In the decade since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, private intelligence firms and security consultants have peeled away veterans from the top reaches of the CIA, hiring scores of longtime officers in large part to gain access to the burgeoning world...

  • 尼日利亚选举因组织不利延期

    11-04-03 Parliamentary elections in Nigeria have been postponed until Monday because of organisational problems, officials say. 尼日利亚官员称,议会选举因为组织不利而被推迟至星期一。 The electoral officials - who have apologised for the delay - say ballot pa...

  • 叙利亚暴动致四人死亡

    11-03-23 At least four people have died after security forces fired on protesters outside a mosque in the Syrian city of Deraa, human rights activists say. 人权倡导者宣称,叙利亚保安部队在德拉城外面一座清真寺向抗议者开枪射击,造成至少四人死亡。 The UN has sa...

  • 海湾国家应邀向巴林派遣军队

    11-03-15 Troops from a number of Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have arrived in Bahrain at the request of the kingdom, officials say. 官员声称,应巴林的要求,包括沙特、阿联酋在内的一些海湾国家已向其派遣军队。 It comes a day after the worst...