• 英国人平均能忍受的排队时间为10分42秒

    10-11-13 A nation renowned for the art of queuing may be losing its patience, a survey has shown, with the average British adult able to stand in line for only 10 minutes and 42 seconds before tempers start to fray. 一项调查显示,向来以喜欢排队著称的英国人可...

  • 英国大本钟暂停向外国游客开放

    10-11-13 近期欧洲频繁遭遇恐怖袭击威胁,出于安全方面的考虑,英国近日宣布禁止外国游客参观伦敦地标建筑大本钟,本国游客参观需向所属选区的国会议员提交书面申请。 Foreigners have been banned from visiting Big Ben over security fears. Foreigners have been banned fro...

  • 首尔G20峰会使用金鱼监测水质

    10-11-13 为了保证参加二十国集团峰会各国领导人的安全,韩国首尔会展中心宣布将用金鱼来监测会议场地卫生间的水质,确保用水安全。 The team safeguarding world leaders at the upcoming G20 summit has received some unlikely new members in the form of six goldfish. Man...

  • 世博词汇之服务

    10-11-02 electronic information screens 电子信息屏 one-day travel card 地铁一日票 multi-day travel card 地铁多日票 multiple-use travel card 地铁多次票 sign language 手语 据介绍,残疾人志愿者中的手语讲解员,大都是聋人舞蹈团的演员。培训负责人说,届时,手语讲解...

  • 世博词汇

    10-11-02 服务 Service expo host 世博会主办方 host city 主办城市 expo-themed souvenir 世博会纪念品 franchised/licensed product 特许商品 Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐 mobile toilet 移动厕所 passenger flow/human flow 客流 snack bar 快餐柜/小吃店 barrier-free elevator...

  • 巴格达教堂人质案以血战收场

    10-11-01 More than 30 people have been killed as Iraqi security forces stormed a Catholic church in central Baghdad to free dozens of hostages being held by gunmen there, security sources say. 安全渠道表明,为拯救被歹徒劫持的人质,伊拉克安全部队对巴格达中部...

  • 尝试在城区建设蔬菜园

    10-10-26 A case study(案例研究) published in the 2010 Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education by professors at Washington State University studies the challenges one organization faced in maintaining an urban market garden. The journal is...

  • 本·登目前“过得相当滋润”

    10-10-23 Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living comfortably in a house in the north-west of Pakistan protected by local people and elements of the country's intelligence services, according to a senior NATO official. 北约组织一位高级官员日前表示,奥萨...

  • 英国援工很高兴被平安释放

    10-10-21 A British security consultant kidnapped six days ago by gunmen in Somalia has described his release as marvellous, Save the Children says. 拯救儿童组织称,六天前被索马里持枪歹徒劫持的英国安全顾问形容对他的释放不可思议。 Frans Barnard's release was s...

  • 法国需警惕基地组织袭击

    10-10-18 Saudi Arabia has warned France it is the target of an imminent al-Qaeda attack, French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux has said. 法国内务部长布莱斯奥尔特弗称,沙特曾警告法国注意基地组织即将发动的一场袭击。 French security forces have been on high...