• 牙买加禁毒行动枪战导致44人死亡

    10-05-27 At least 44 people have died during fighting between police and gunmen in the current anti-drug offensive in Kingston, Jamaica's ombudsman says. 牙买加监察专员称,金斯敦禁毒行动中,警察与持枪歹徒的决斗已造成至少44人死亡。 Kingston has seen days of r...

  • 美国国家情报局长丹尼斯·布莱尔辞职

    10-05-21 US President Barack Obama's national intelligence director has resigned after a 16-month tenure marked by a series of security failures. 美国总统奥巴马任下国家情报局长丹尼斯布莱尔因近期一系列安全问题提出辞职,结束为期16月的任期。 Adm Blair was taske...

  • 南非机场暴露安全隐患

    10-05-18 South African journalists say they have smuggled dangerous items onto domestic flights in hand luggage ahead of next month's football World Cup. 南非新闻记者称,世界杯足球赛下月即将开赛,他们已通过手提行李的方式将危险品带入国内航班。 South Africa ha...

  • 致命冲突之后 曼谷局势仍然严峻

    10-05-14 Thai security forces and anti-government protesters remained in a stand-off in Bangkok after clashes overnight in which one person died. 泰国保安部队与反政府示威者头天晚上在曼谷发生暴力冲突,一人死亡,目前局势处于平静状态。 Security forces say they...

  • 麦咖啡错误安全更新导致Windows瘫痪

    10-04-23 Thousands of PCs around the world have been paralysed by a security update that wrongly labelled part of Windows as a virus. 世界上成千上万台电脑被一个安全更新搞瘫痪,该更新错把Windows某组件认定为病毒。 Windows uses lots of copies of the svchost fil...

  • 美国提醒印度要警惕恐怖袭击

    10-04-22 The US has issued a travel alert saying that there are increased indications that terrorists are planning attacks in the Indian capital, Delhi. 美国发布一条旅游预警信息,称越来越多的迹象表明恐怖分子试图在印度某省会德里发动恐怖袭击。 Delhi has been t...

  • 核安全峰会落幕 签署公报及工作计划

    10-04-17 为期两天的核安全峰会于当地时间本周二在美国首都华盛顿落幕,与会的47国领导人共同签署了公报及工作计划,呼吁国际社会在4年内确保所有易流失核材料的安全。 The leaders of the international delegations pose for a group photo at the Nuclear Security Summit 20...

  • 核安全峰会:防止核武器落入恐怖分子之手

    10-04-13 World leaders at a summit on nuclear security in Washington have heard dire warnings of the danger of nuclear material falling into the wrong hands. 华盛顿参加核安全峰会的世界领导人了解到,核材料如果落入坏人手中,后果将是多么危险。 The US and Russia...

  • 南苏丹拒绝参与北苏丹选举

    10-04-07 South Sudan's main party has said it will boycott this week's elections in most of northern Sudan, citing voting irregularities and security fears. 南苏丹主要政党称,因选举违规和安全问题,将不会参加北苏丹大部分地区本周举行的选举。 The SPLM said it w...

  • 美国航空将乘客归档作为安检环节

    10-04-03 The US has announced that it will begin profiling US-bound passengers to determine who should get extra screening. 美国宣布将会为所有进出美国的乘客建立一个文件系统以决定对某些嫌疑分子进行额外安全检查。 The rules apply to all travellers heading to th...