• 盖茨与希拉里将视察朝韩非军事区

    10-07-20 US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said he and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit the Demilitarised Zone dividing North and South Korea. 美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨称,他将与国务卿希拉里克林顿视察朝韩非军事区。 Mr Gates said their tour on W...

  • 怎么说“军售”

    10-07-20 据媒体报道,美国政府近日批准雷神、洛克希德马丁公司执行布什政府2008年10月宣布的军售计划,向台湾出售爱国者-3反导系统等武器装备。有关专家表示,美国的行为虽违反了中美三个联合公报和《中美联合声明》的原则,但不会对中美关系构成极大影响。 请看《中国日报》的...

  • 商务书信的写作

    10-07-09 1. 切忌主客不分或模糊。 例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment. 应改为 Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. 2....

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署伊朗制裁协议

    10-07-05 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please have a seat, everybody. Good evening, everybody. As President, one of my highest national security priorities is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Thats why my administration has aggressively pursued a compre...

  • 奥巴马演讲 与日本首相在20国峰会的对话

    10-07-05 Well, Prime Minister Kan and I just had an excellent conversation and bilateral meeting(双边会议) after three days where weve had an opportunity to share ideas on not only the most pressing issues that are facing our economies but also a range of...

  • 美国六岁女童阿丽莎被“禁飞”

    10-07-03 年仅六岁的美国俄亥俄州女童阿丽莎托马斯最近与父母乘飞机从克利夫兰飞往明尼阿波利斯时,赫然发现自己的姓名被美国国土安全部列入禁飞名单,被视为威胁国家安全的可疑人物。 Alyssa Thomas, 6, is a little girl who is already under the spotlight of the federal g...

  • 中情局为与黑水公司的争议合同辩护

    10-06-28 The head of CIA has defended awarding a large contract to the controversial security company formerly known as Blackwater. 美国中情局长官为向有争议的保安公司黑水公司提供大额订单而辩护。 The director of the CIA, Leon Penatta, said the company's bid w...

  • 冈比亚截获两吨可卡因

    10-06-09 At least two tonnes of cocaine with a street value estimated at $1bn has been seized in The Gambia, bound for Europe. 冈比亚警方截获至少两吨、黑市价达10亿美元的可卡因,据悉这批可卡因计划销往欧洲。 West Africa has become a major transit hub for drugs...

  • 联合国介入调查泰国暴乱

    10-06-01 The UN has demanded an independent inquiry into recent unrest in Thailand, when more than 80 people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters. 联合国已派遣一支独立调查团进入泰国解决最近的动荡局面,泰国安全部队与反抗者之间的冲突已...

  • 埃塞俄比亚反对党领导要求重新选举

    10-05-27 Ethiopia's opposition leaders have called for a rerun of Sunday's elections, saying they were flawed. 埃塞俄比亚反对党领导人要求上周日的选举重新进行,声称此次选举存在舞弊行为。 Merera Gudina's supporters were hoping to make gains Head of the main op...