• information security law 信息安全法

    12-11-13 A motion to the ongoing National People's Congress suggested that an information security law should be developed as soon as possible. 正在召开的全国人大会议期间,一份提案建议应尽快制定一部《信息安全法》。 文中的information security law就是指信息安...

  • school police 校警

    12-11-09 Beijing is planning to dispatch school police this year in a bid to improve safety management and danger prevention in the city's kindergartens, primary and middle schools, Beijing Daily reported Wednesday. 《北京日报》周三报道,为提升城市幼儿园、中...

  • 卢旺达当选联合国安理会非常任理事国

    12-10-19 Rwanda has been elected to sit on the United Nations Security Council for the next two years. 卢旺达被选举担任下两年的联合国安全理事会成员。 Campaign group Human Rights Watch said Rwanda would be able to block action against its officials The vote c...

  • 象牙海岸开放与加纳相邻的陆海边界

    12-10-08 Ivory Coast is to reopen its land and maritime borders with Ghana, more than two weeks after they were shut following a deadly cross-border attack. 象牙海岸将重新开放与加纳相连的陆地与海洋边界,此前两个多星期双方边界因越境袭击被关闭。 Ivorian Defenc...

  • 南北苏丹达成石油出口协议

    12-09-27 Sudan and South Sudan have reached a deal on border security and oil production that will allow oil exports from South Sudan through Sudan to resume, say spokesmen for both sides. 南北苏丹的发言人宣称,双方就边境安全与石油生产达成一致协议,改协议将...

  • 南非农夫给羊配手机防盗

    12-07-16 南非开普敦郊区的一位农夫为了防止自家农场的羊群被盗,特意给羊配了手机,一旦羊群遭到侵扰开始奔跑,绑在羊颈部的手机就会自动拨通主人的电话,发出警告。 A South African farmer is fielding phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to...

  • 巴基斯坦一兵营遭歹徒袭击 七人死亡

    12-07-09 At least seven security personnel have been killed and five injured after gunmen opened fire on an army campsite in central Pakistan, officials say. 巴基斯坦中部一座兵营遭歹徒袭击,至少七名安保人员死亡、五人受伤。 The attack happened at a site along...

  • 土耳其称叙利亚威胁地区和平

    12-06-26 Nato is to meet in emergency session after Syria shot down a Turkish plane - an act condemned by Turkey as a serious threat to regional peace. 叙利亚击落一架土耳其飞机土耳其称此举是对地区和平的严重威胁。北约因此召开紧急会议。 Rescue teams from Turke...

  • 美国新西兰将共同巩固国防

    12-06-20 New Zealand and the US have signed an agreement to expand defence co-operation, signalling a further boost to ties between the two nations. 新西兰与美国签署一项共同扩张防御的协议,标志着两国间联系的进一步加深。 The deal was signed in Washington by N...

  • security level 安检级别

    12-05-14 Fights broke out among angry passengers at Beijing Capital International Airport on Sunday morning, after the security level for domestic flights was raised from level three to level two. 周日上午,北京首都国际机场国内航班的安检级别从三级升至二级,...